Friday, December 16, 2005


Don't you just hate waiting? Waiting isn't so bad if you have something to keep you busy, but I HATE when I have to wait and don't know exactly "when" it is that I am waiting for.

My ex-husband is getting the kids this weekend to celebrate the holidays with them. This is a great thing and I have no problem with this. He is driving home from Chicago and will be somewhat close to here. Our plan is to have us meet him when he gets to our designated area. That is fine, sounds like a good enough plan, keeps me from having to drive all the way, which is about a two hour drive normally for me. What sucks is that I don't know exactly when this will be. He will call when he gets about 1 1/2 hours away to let us know. So here we all sit, ready to go, but not knowing when that might be. I hate to get into anything, because I don't want to stop in the middle of it to run out. Maybe I should catch up on those other 4 journal pages I need to do. You hate to stop in the middle of something like that though, so I sit here bored, typing this on my blog.

What the heck, I'll get busy on those pages. Who knows how much I can get accomplished, otherwise I am just wasting my precious time. I'll give it a try, and let you know later how it ends.


Anonymous said...

Oh I hate waiting to...I hope you were able to work on your journal though.

Rhonda said...

I am glad that I did decide to work on it. I didn't quite finish the gift wrapping page, but almost. All that was left to complete was the script on it. I just finished that now, and I am getting ready to scan it. I ended up getting home about 11:30 last night, so I came in and went straight to bed. I am usually in bed between 9-10 every night, so that was a late night for me. Hope your coming along well with yours. You had quite a bit to catch up didn't you?