Saturday, December 17, 2005

Christmas journal #9

Still doing some catch up on my journal. Finally completed another one that I had been skipping around. This is my page #9 of my journal. This page was dedicated to traditions. We were suppose to express either ones that we had, or new ones that we wanted to start, etc. Because my life changes so much from Christmas to Christmas never knowing where we might be, or if I will even have my children or be alone I find it difficult to have traditions. I have some in mind, they just never seem to happen the way is visualize them happening.

Of another challenge with this page was to have hidden journaling. My hidden script reads:

"It is hard for me to have family
traditions to share with my children,
because it seems that each year
changes. We never know where
we will be or who we will be with.
Traditions are very important to me
and I do try to do my best to
establish some new ones with my
children in the years to come.
Life is so much more complicated
than it was when I was a child
celebrating Christmas."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your pages! This one is also very inspiring.