Thursday, December 08, 2005

Let It Snow!!

The snow is really coming down tonight. It just started about an hour ago and this is what we have so far. It is suppose to snow all night long. I heard 4-8 inches by morning.

Of course the boys saw this as an opportunity to have some fun. They put on some clothes and ran out as quickly as they could. Shortly after they came back and and requested that I go out with them. I looked at them like they were crazy, "are you kidding, it is freezing out there!" So Joey started begging me to go out, "Please there is something out there we want to show you." So of course I grab my shoes and go out. They had written in the snow using shovels. The street read, "Mom, we love you...Jason Joey." Awww, how sweet. I was trying to take a picture of the writing but it was too large, I couldn't get a good picture of it. Jason tried to get out of the picture when he slid on some ice and landed right in the middle of the road. We couldn't help but laugh, and of course I had to take a picture.

Thank goodness I bought them their new snowpants last weekend. One good thing about having boys is that they love to shovel the snow. Of course that will probably end about the time they become teenagers right? They will be the ones looking at me like I am crazy when I ask them to go outside.

Anyways, time for me to get ready for bed. I have to get up about 4:30 am for work, I am giving myself two hours drive time to get into work in the morning. I work about an hour away from my house, so that will give me an extra hour for the weather. Hopefully the roads are good, if they are I will make sure to bring in some of my scrapbook magazines to keep me busy if I get there earlier than I expect.

Well the boys may be saying "LET IT SNOW" but I am saying "LET IT STOP SNOWING."

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