Friday, December 23, 2005

Snapshots of holiday's daily living

One of the most recent prompts that I am suppose to use for my journaling class includes pictures of the messy/clean house on that day. Well since I am not home I had to just take a few pics here at my mom's house in Florida. I'll try to take a few of mine when I get home to go into my journal. The two pics that I have included are the major mess on my mom's kitchen table that I have taken over these past few days to work on the Christmas journal, and my grandmother's book. The scrapbook in the box on the center of the table is the one that I am using for my grandmother's pages. Hopefully you can find it in the mess. This photo is brutally honest about my use of a scrapbooking space. I tend to pull everything out when I decide to work on pages, when I am finished it looks like a tornado hit (well in Florida I should say a hurricane). The other picture is a picture of my mother's Christmas tree. She wasn't actually planning on putting one up this year, but since we decided to come down she put one up for us. Oh, other than that small wreath on the wall near the door, and the tree that is about it for my mom's Christmas decor.


Anonymous said...

Hi there!
I was working so hard yesterday trying to get all last minute paperwork at the office that I never had a chance to stop by and check out the I have a whole week off and I'm soooo happy! Anyway, just wanted to tell you the pictures of your scrapping area at your mom's kitchen table reminded of my own table! I do the same, I pull out everything I can think of and then it just looks like that too! Putting everything back in order takes soooo much time, LOL. I love your pictures!

Rhonda said...

Maybe becoming more oganized will become one of my New Year's Resolutions.