Sunday, December 25, 2005

Grandmother's book

Okay, it is time for the countdown. I am a bit more behind with my grandmother's book than I thought I would be. Although yesterday was a bit busy for me, which I didn't really plan on it being. I did a lot of running around for my grandmother. She had me pick up a surprise present for my mother. She always tells me how good my mother is to her, which she is. Then I took her to church for mass, then of course we stopped for dinner on the way home. My grandmother LOVES to go out to eat, and she loves it sweets. So today I am going my make some chocolate chip cookies for her to eat.

So anyways, here are three more pages for her book. I am not sure how many more I will get accomplished, but I'm sure she will enjoy however many I can get completed.

I didn't think that she was going to be spend Christmas with us here at the house. She walks with a walker so she doesn't come over because getting up the stairs is too difficult for her. I mentioned that I would bring the kids over later today when we bring her dinner, and she said, "oh, I am coming over there." She said that she was going to try her hardest to get up the stairs. She doesn't want to miss spending the holidays with me and the kids. This is so sweet considering that I know how difficult it will be for her. She figures that between me and my nephew we will be able to get her up. Too bad my sister and her kids couldn't make it, then our family would be complete for the holidays.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love everyone of your pages! Amazing work you did!