Thursday, December 15, 2005

Grandmother's Book

Well I have been so caught up in everything else, I can't forget to complete one of my most important things this holiday season. My present to my grandmother this year. An album of a collection of photos that she had stored away in a box at her place up here in Michigan. These photos are much too special to be stored away in boxes. The book will be simple, but special. I don't have all the stories to go behind the pictures, but hopefully she will share them with me when I see her.

Hope she enjoys it.


TopCat76 said...

wow - what a lovely idea, I'm sure your grandmother will love it. Just make sure to make notes of the stories she tells you, it'd be too good an opportunity to miss!! Happy Holidays

Rhonda said...

Thanks for the suggestion. Actually I plan to video record her stories when I go visit her this Christmas in Florida.