Friday, December 30, 2005

Do you think I am a bit obsessed?

So do you think I have an obsession with old family photos? Of course I do. I probably have another couple of hundred photos that my grandmother had stashed in her place down here in Florida. Many of these I have never even seen before. I never realized that my grandfather had so many photos taken of himself. Let me tell you I am grateful, because I have them to cherish now, but I never would have expected it from him. He always so quiet, I never expected him to be the one out there in front of a camera. It also appears that he had quite a playful side when he was younger also.

In these photos here though you are looking at my parents. My dad in 1965 while in the Marines. Me as a child, chunky butt wasn't I? Mom, sis and me, one of our few professional photos taken. I am assuming that my father was in Vietnam when this photo was taken also since he is not present. He was in Vietnam for three tours, when it started, in the middle and at the end, so this was probably the case here. Since this would have been in the first part of the 70's. The last picture of course is a snapshot someone took of my parents wedding.


Anonymous said...

Your pictures are awesome! What a blessing indeed! Obsessed? No way! This is fun!

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