Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Christmas journal #12

Script reads:

"Christmas traditions in our family have changed so much over the years. This is a picture of my mother, her father & siblings one Christmas years ago. I long for holidays that resemble this one, but since my divorce I am usually alone for the holidays, or out of town. My past traditions have since been lost, but I hope to create some new ones in the years to come to pass on for generations. '05"

A Tinsel Christmas with Father

I love this old photo. It seems like such a perfect Christmas. Remember the days when Christmas trees were loaded with tinsel like the one in this photograph?

As I stated on the page any traditions that my family or I had in the past are long gone. We don't gather with aunts or uncles for Christmas Eve celebrations like we use to. We don't even open our presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas day anymore. It actually took me until I started making this journal to really realize how messed up my holidays are.

You see....about 7 years ago my parents moved to Florida. Also around that time I left my husband. For the first couple of years I did have the kids with me for the holidays for things have changed. I usually let my ex-husband have the kids whenever he wants because he lives out of state. This means that holidays are a good time for him to see them because it doesn't interrupt with their school schedules. This of course usually leaves me alone. I do have my sister here, but with just us it just doesn't seem very festive. This year though my ex decided that it would be a good idea if I had the kids this year, so I have them. Well this is a good thing, but we will be out of town visiting my parents and my grandmother in Florida so we won't be here to celebrate Christmas. Having Christmas in Florida just isn't the same as having it here in Michigan. It just isn't the same without the snow, major difference. Not only that but because we are flying we won't be able to bring our presents with us, so we will be opening them some time this week. I haven't decided exactly which day yet, but it has to be either tomorrow or the next, because Friday thru Sunday they will be with their father. Then first thing Monday morning is our flight.

On the bright side though here are some things that I would like to incorporate into my Christmas holiday.

1. There are two movies that I think are a most for Christmas. I have purchased both of them of dvd and watching them will be a tradition for our family.

"It's a Wonderful Life"
"Miracle on 34th Street"

2. Every year I collect at least one new ornament & one new Santa Claus.

3. Every year we take a new picture in front of our Christmas tree.

Well that is a start.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Just gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I also watch Miracle on 34th Street every year... both versions! I just adore that movie :)