Sunday, December 04, 2005

Christmas Art Journal #4

My Perfect Christmas

Finally I have caught up with the rest of the group. At least until tomorrow, then another day, another page. I am not sure how I managed to kick out all three pages in one day. Well now that I think about it I know how....I neglected everything us that I should have been doing today, LIKE HOUSEWORK. Oh well, that can wait until tomorrow, I had fun!!

The script is kind of hard to read so I will retype it for you.

Inside the envelope reads...

Dear Santa

All I want for Christmas is...My Perfect Christmas Day!!!

Is that asking too much? I've been a good girl all year long. On Christmas Eve, as I am nestled in my bed with visions of sugar plums dancing in my head, you will be giving me the Christmas of my dreams. As I wake Christmas morning, this is what I would see...

  1. First on the list is to turn back time. See my grandfather died about nine years ago. He is deeply missed and to have my Christmas extra special my grandmother AND grandfather need to be present.
  2. As a matter of fact all of my family would be present. I remember way back when our family actually had gatherings. It has been many years and I miss them.
  3. The house would be beautifully decorated. A Victorian Christmas would be just about right for me.
  4. You would bring with you the gifts that my children asked for. Don't go overboard we don't need to spoil them too much, but let me see their big smiles.
  5. Someone special will be there for me also.
  6. The meal will be the most delicious meal ever, with all the fixings. Don't forget dessert, you know how I love it.
  7. Christmas carolers will come knocking at the door. Why don't we have them anymore? I love Christmas music.
  8. Of course there will be a white Christmas. The snow glistening all around me. The tees resembling a crystal forest.
  9. I will have plenty of batteries for my camera, since it will be working overtime.
  10. EVERYONE will be happy!!!
This WOULD be my perfect Christmas. Santa this isn't too much for you is it??
Happy Holidays 2005

Goodnight....tomorrow is another day, see you then.

Edit: Looking back at my page I realized I forgot to sign my letter to Santa, and to thank him in advance. I'll remember next year.


Anonymous said...

What do fish say when they hit a concrete wall? (Dam!)

Where do you find a dog with no legs? (Right where you left him.)

What is red and white, red and white, red and white? (Santa Claus rolling down a hill. )


Jax said...

Another Awsome entry, Love the way you have done it as a letter to Santa :o)

Jackie x