Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Me & my ramblings

I just finished writing a comment to someone's blog. He had sent me some information about the video of the JFK assasination. It was some facts about the actual video, and the selling of it for an extremely large amount of money. As I finished writing I realized that I was rambling as I tend to do. This is not the first time that I have noticed that I do this. I don't mean to do it, but I guess it is part of who I am. I can't just have a simple answer, or ask simple questions. I truly believe in communication although sometimes with certain people I have difficulty doing it, but I still try and usually fail with those certain people (ie. ex-husband). Sometimes I just feel like a little kid, always curious. Why? but why? I don't understand, tell me why? Trust me I have children I know how difficult the "why" questions can be over and over and over, but we try to have patience.

See I'm kind of like a tree in conversation, a very large tree. I start out at the roots (the original conversation) then I go up the tree trunk (the original conversation gets more detailed) the all hell brakes loose and I am up amongst the branches. Every conversation I have, branches off to another story or question which into turns into another and yet another. Next thing you know several hours have past and you're still talking to me. If you are smart when you see me heading up into the branches, you had better start running. The hardest part is trying to climb back down out of the tree (getting back to the original part of the conversation). I will have you so lost up there in the branches that you may never find your way back, haha.

Oh getting back to the "why" part of me. As we know everyone has a way to learn that fits them best. For me discussion is the best. They say I excel in reading comprehension, so I understand what I read, but my long term memory isn't always the best. I always do great on tests, but that is short term. Ask me something a month down the road and see if I remember. It seems to be getting worse for me, I'm only 36 should I be losing it already? Possibly there may be another factor to consider, but I don't want to get into that now. So again the discussion works best for me. I get to hear it, and possibly read it if in a class, but most of all I really relate things with discussions and they usually tend to stay with me that way. So that is the WHY. I can read it, I can hear it, but if I don't know why I'm not going to get it.

Another thing about is usually very easy for me to write. When I say that I don't mean that I write beautifully with words flowing through the entire length of the page. Or that whatever I have written is so meaningful that everyone would want to read it. Ha, ha, most of the time I don't reread what I write, just because I know that afterwards I will be thinking what the hell was I thinking. I think everyone understands what I am writing because I understand it, of course until I read it again. Ok what I mean when I say easy for me to write is that I can write about anything and everythign that goes on in my little head. What I ate for breakfast? I'll tell you about it (I ate a little late so it was a grilled cheese, brunch actually). Want to hear about Depression, IBS, twins, parenting, divorce, dating, work, life....anything I'll tell you about it. If I know about it, if not be prepared because I'll ask you. You would be amazed at the small amount of time it would take me to fill a page up with words. I write easily, I didn't say I write well. (smile)

Okay, I'm bored so yes I'm rambling. The next thing on my mind right now since we are talking about writing (well I am talking about it) are some letters. Some letters I received some time ago (1991) while in Saudi Arabia. I had many individuals that I didn't know send me letters. These people don't realize it, and have probably forgotten all about me, but they were very important to me. For every letter that I received I promised that I would write one in return, which I did. Believe it or not I still think about those letters to this day. They are packed away in storage from when I moved and it will take me a while to find them, but when I do I want to write those people again. Many were school age children that probably do not even remember ever writing the letters, but I am curious to see how things have been for them, and to thank them again. Many others were just people from the community that I grew up in that did not know me, but still choose to write. Others were just from people around the country. There was one particular women that sent me a care package. Her name was Joyce, I don't have her contact information anymore, I lost it, but she really supported me (a total stranger to her). I would really love to contact her again if I could. How I came to know her.....someone wrote an article to Ann Landers. This article was from a woman in Desert Storm that supplied a list of items needed by female soldiers during the war. The Amercian people responded by flooding her with carepackages from all over. There were so many carepackages that her everyone in her entire until received one, everyone in my unit (at least 400 people) received one, and who knows how many other units received one. I did not know the woman that wrote the actual letter to AL. Anyways, they had a huge box loaded with these packages and each of us got to pick one of those packages. Mine just happened to me from a lady here in Michigan, Joyce. A little funny of the guys in our unit just happened to pic a box containing nothing but pantyliners. hahaha (you know he was bummed). Luckily mine was filled with many wonderful things, things that we could not get over there. We lived in a tent for 6 months so to us these were treasures. Well, I wrote a letter to Joyce thanking her and explaining how I happened to come into possession of her package. She responded by sending me another package, and yet another. She sent several of them before I returned back to the states. We kept in contact for a while afterwards. When I had my daughter in 1992 she sent a present for her, I thought that was the sweetest thing. We have never met, and now I live back here in Michigan, but I have no idea how to contact her. She was an older woman, and this has been 14 years. I would love to keep in touch with her again and possibly even meet her. It is a wonderful thing to have people that do not even know you to show you such kindness. I know I'll remember it forever.

I'm done rambling for now, I still have stuff to do around this place, I keep putting it off. I said Monday that I would make some cookies yesterday. I failed to follow through, and if your kids are anything like mine they will let you know when you have failed to follow through. "MOM you said you were going to make cookies," gosh they really know how to make you feel bad. So today I have to make sure to do it before they come home from school. I can make some pretty good chocolate chip cookies from scratch.

Hope I didn't bore you too much.


Rhonda said...

Ian there is nothing wrong with you. You're a great dad that truly loves his children, and a good friend to me. Did my post make you think that I was sad? I didn't really mean to write that to critize myself. Just pointing things "out loud" in a sense I guess. Although I am like you, the busier I am in life the less I think about things. Obviously you can see that right now I have nothing but time on my hands, especially when the kids are at school. I just finished making the cookies so they can eat them when they get home. Did you actually read that entire post? It was extremely long, if you did I am surprised that I didn't put you to sleep (or is that what you're doing now)? haha

Rhonda said...

Don't be afraid to touch it, does he have one of those balls to roll around in. Make sure it has one of those wheels in it. Rona took hers out for some reason and her hamster got HUGE!! She had to put it back in there so she could lose some weight. Luckily she did. I almost killed my ex's fish. He went away for the Army for a month, and I was suppose to be watching it. I came home one day and it was floating. I freaked, threw some food in the tank, and somehow he managed to come back to life. I don't think I ever told me ex about that. It is best that I don't have animals or plants.

Swexie said...

a conversation would always branch out to far-out topics, so it's basically normal for you to get lost in the original topic... =) long term memory? lol! i have just passed the cpa board exam six months ago and right now, i can't even answer the questions that i have answered and mastered before.. i'm only 20! =)

Rhonda said...

Whew, glad I'm not the only one I thought I was losing my mind already. LOL

Anonymous said...

What do you know about... or better asked... what is you take on "dating"?

Rhonda said...

What you didn't want to know about IBS? you had to go for dating. I didn't mean that I know about dating, just how I feel about dating. Dating is extremely complicated. How I feel about dating is that if I don't see it going anywhere then I won't waste my time or anyone elses. I expect the same in return. Why I am usually single. I'm looking for someone to grow with, not someone to keep me company for the night. Everyone has something that they are looking for, this is what I am looking for.