Thursday, October 13, 2005

Tim McGraw--"Live Like You Were Dying"

It is really late and past my bedtime especially for a work night, but since I have this on my mind right now I want to get it off my chest.

I was dumped this evening by a guy before anything even got started. It was my fault I guess, but I am sure that it is a good thing because the last thing I want is to be with someone that doesn't find me absolutely adorable even with my flaws. Anyways, let me just say that he is a good guy, things just didn't work out. This doesn't matter though it still hurt briefly. Even so it doesn't take long for me to realize that "he just isn't that into me." Ha, ha where have I heard that before (possibly yesterday's post).

Anyways, right after my conversation with the guy that burst my bubble this evening I talked to my ex-boyfriend Danny. He just happened to be online. We have been friends since I was 14. He was my very first and I guess you could say my very last boyfriend since I have not been in a relationship with anyone since, but that has been over for a year. So I cried to him about being dumped and he told me that he just got dumped a few days ago also. In the end he ended up making me feel better. He told me about 4 months ago that he would teach me how to play golf (he owns a golf course) but I never got around to it. Since I am off for the next two weeks after tomorrow I told him that I was going to take up his offer. I said I would be over there about 12 one day in the next couple of weeks to get my lessons. He said sure, but I know that he was hoping that I wouldn't because he knows that I am not athletically inclined and that I will probably tear up his course. Actually he said that he was going to take me to another course so that I could tear up theirs (I think he was joking). Although he did say that the other course would be easier for me because it is a Par 3 and his is a Par 5. Anyways, that is on my list of things to do. Not that I have this deep desire to play golf, but lots of people I know enjoy it and I think I should at least give it a try. Plus this gives me a chance to drive him crazy, lol.

Well I ended my conversation with Danny because I was listening to this song by Tim McGraw (one fine looking man I might add) and I wanted to write about it before I headed to bed. I think this is a great song "Live Like You Were Dying." This is something that I don't do often enough. I let things bother me that I shouldn't, something I really do need to work on (and I am). I am currently reading a book by Anthony Robbins "Awaken The Giant Within." I'm just starting it so I can't really comment on it yet. What I want to do is live my life to its fullest potential (Live Like I Were Dying).

In the song he asks someone what they would do if they found out that it might be the real end. What would you do?
and he said...
I went sky diving
I went Rocky Mountain climbing
I went 2.7 seconds on a bull named FuManChu???
and I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter
and I gave forgaveness I'd been denying
and he said someday I hope you get the chance to live like you were dying.

What would I do??
*I would definately make sure my kids knew how important they are to me
*I would try sky diving
*maybe even Rocky Mountain climbing
*I'm not so sure about riding a bull named FuManChu
*I'd hope to find someone to truly love deeply
*There is a forgiveness that I have been denying, I have been thinking about this lately
*I'd take that trip to Italy and see the Sistine Chapel and others works of art from the Renaissance period.
*I might consider flying lessons
*Learn to speak Italian
*Do better at letting those that I love know it. I am so good at doing it with my children, but I have a harder time with others.
*Detail all the important things in my life for my children to read. The good and the bad.
*Take a photography class and take endless pictures
*Make sure my kids know how great it feels to help others less fortunate

What would you do??

Well all for now, I must get to bed, 5 am comes awfully early. It is amazing how a mood can change so quickly from just having a friend to lean on and listen to you and listening to a song that has such a great message to it. Life is not easy, and I may be single forever but what the heck I've got great people around me right now and I need to enjoy what I have now. Thanks to everyone, even you Chris because I know that you are reading this and you will give me your opinion as soon as you run into me again. Oh yeah we will be off for two weeks, I guess you'll have to catch me online. NIGHT


Rhonda said...

I saw Tim McGraw at a free concert at a mall shopping lot in Killeen Texas years ago when he first came out. Probably around 1992 or so. I like all kinds of music, but I learned to like country when I lived in Louisiana. Now I go through spurts, right now it seems that country music is my thing. Next month it might be R&B who knows.
And my friends at work did a great job today of making my day great. Then I had an evening out with my daughter. We had dinner together, my sister had my boys. It was just a good day for me.
About the guy, I'm not angry with him, if I am not right for him then I am not right. Just means that I haven't found Mr. Right yet, I'll still look. Hopefully one day he'll come around. I liked him, but I married a man that was always in love with his girlfriend before me our entire 10 years we were together. They are currently married, but that is fine, because I think they are better suited than we were. I don't want to be Mrs. ISettledFor again.

Rhonda said...

I drove by the golf course today but didn't stop, I had all the kids with me. It was packed though, must have been a beautiful day for golfing. I came home and went to the library instead. I have two weeks off, lots of time for reading, especially since I don't have any dates scheduled as of yet. I am okay about the being dumped thing. It usually only hurts for about the first 24 hours then I get over it and realize that there are plenty of fish in the sea. I think you know that finding a date has never really been an issue with me, just finding one that interests me is. Practice makes perfect, I guess all of the ones that don't work, just help me to realize what it is that I really do want in a man and what I am not willing to settle for. I see you talked to Rona last night. She is doing great with her band class, her teacher called me just to tell me how impressed she was with her and her improvement this year. She is so much more dedicated this year. She played her flute all the way home from Sandusky about two weeks ago in the car with me (you know that is about 2 hours). I'm proud of her.