Thursday, October 27, 2005

Would someone turn off that damn internal clock?

GEEZ, there is nothing I would love more on my two weeks off of work than to have a good day of sleeping in. I mean REALLY sleeping in. I usually get up at 5 am for work, and these last two weeks I have been getting up between 6 am and 7 am. THIS IS NOT SLEEPING IN!!! I believe that I am naturally more of a night person. I am the type to set the clock for the exact time that I need to get up in the morning. Unlike my daughter I don't need to have some advance wake up time to let myself adjust. I am not a morning person, but I jump up and get myself out the door. I don't sit around and drink coffee (I don't drink it at all) or read the newspaper early in the morning. Although the thought of this is interesting to me. I would love to be a morning person, and get up and have that quality time to myself, but I just can't seem to get my lazy butt out of bed. I just am not a morning person, probably never will be. I cherish every moment that I am there in bed, especially since I am a restless sleeper. Maybe one day I'll adjust and learn to be more of a morning person. Until then I'll be a night person trapped in a morning person's body.

What else is going on? Lets see......In about an hour I am going to pick my nephew up from the airport. He is flying in from Florida. He has been raised by my parents, and has now decided to come up here to live with me. I don't mind this, even though Nathan is quiet, he is a good guy. He wants to get a job and he will need to get his driver's license. Unfortunately my transmission went in my other car last week, so he won't be able to drive that, unless of course I pay to get it fixed. I'm still deciding on that one, lots of money.

Yeah, my trans went out while I was on my way to my favorite restaurant last Saturday. It died right in front of the Michigan Stadium, so I parked it. The walked the rest of the way into town and enjoyed my meal. I didn't see why my day should not have some pleasure in it. I was also going to see a movie at the theater, but that was a bit too far for me to walk. So I settled for lunch, and then went back to the car to get it towed. So right now it is sitting out front waiting for me to decide what to do with it. Luckily I have another car, that is probably why I have taken it so lightly, otherwise I would probably have been upset. Life is good.

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