Wednesday, October 12, 2005

He's just not that into you

I was reading a book titled He's just not that into you. I got about half way through it and I had to stop reading it. It was comical, but if I were to continue reading it I would probably never want to date again. I think that I have pretty high standards as to what I am willing to accept from a man, that is probably why I am always single. At least let me have some hope that there is one out there that knows how to treat a woman right.


Anonymous said...

Comments on a couple things on your blog. First, after reading some of your blog, it appears your "standards" are not "high" they are based on your Ex-husband. You just don't realize your doing that.

I would guess also your religious background/beliefs along with an upbringing with securely married parents plays even a bigger part. Deep down you were wounded badly by your divorce. Somehow, you feel its not right. You have to learn to let go.

Try counsoling?

Everyone... I mean EVERYONE... is different... look for the qualities of an individual, not the comparisons.

Second, you mentioned something about the struggle you may have with your boys growing up along with some other stuff along those lines. Here, it appears you are trying too hard to be a Mom AND a Dad. You may not understand that either but from what I read, it does take up alot of your mental well being. (Stressed!) Understand you can't be both a Mom and a Dad.

You know, everyone has their problems... the smart ones get help to understand and correct the problems. There is nothing wrong with that... really. It's just the pressures of what you think people might say if you do. Everyone thinks "psyco" when the title psychologist or counsoler comes up.

Do you want to feel good? Or do you want others to think well of you and feel good themselves while you hold things in and act your way through life?

Rhonda said...

You are so off on your analysis. Thanks for the advice,but I don't think it was accurate. Anyone that knows me knows that I have no fear of being labeled "psycho" and I have no fear of psychologists so I must be a genius (since smart people understand).

I guess in a sense you can say that my standards are based on my ex-husband, because they are based on the failures of that very relationship. What I have learned to look for that I didn't the first time around.

How many people do you know that are not wounded in a divorce? Although I am positive that when I walked away from my marriage that I did the right thing. I have no regrets. My issues with my ex are about our differences in our parenting views, not about us. Oh my religious beliefs and parents marital status does not play a role in my divorce.

I am not sure what struggles you are talking about with my sons. Maybe about them being more organized? I was talking about them cleaning their room.

What does that mean actually "can't be both mom AND dad?" This you will need to elaborate on, because I am not sure I understand. I am the only one here. Their father lives in another state, he maybe sees them one weekend a month if it fits into his work schedule. I have to be the disciplinarian, go to their school events, cook, clean, help them with homework, play, etc. It all sounds like a single mother's job to me.

Do I want to feel good? Of course I do silly, don't you? Do I have bad days? Of course, don't you? Don't try to pretend that you are something that you are not.

Feel free though to draw your own opinions about the person that I am. Those that know me do think well of me as I am.

OH, and I haven't made myself anonymous, why don't you share a bit about yourself too?

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