Saturday, September 10, 2005

OH yes!!! It is diet time.

Yesterday my friends and I decided to see who could lose the most weight in 8 weeks. Everyone put in $50, I believe the pot is currently up to about $500 for the winner (hoping that it is me of course).

With my kids being gone for 6 weeks during the summer, and me being laid off from work for about 6 or 7 weeks this summer did nothing to help me maintain my weight. I think I am opposite from most people, I tend to gain in the summer and lose in the winter.

Anyways, I went to the store already to prepare myself for my task at hand. I have loaded up with reading material. See for me to stay motivated I need to be reminded daily, for me this is usually done by reading something about nutrition or fitness. Also the boys and I hit this awesome fruit/vegetable stand about 25 minutes from my house. It was a ways away from me, but the drive was certainly worth it (I have to admit I hit the scrapbook store also, nothing wrong with killing two birds with one stone now is there?).

Lets see....what did I get?

red onions (for my salads)
sweet potatoes
hungarian hot peppers
grapes (red and green)

I think that is about it, I already had lots of carrots at the house. Oh and don't think I plan on eating it all by myself. My three kids will have no problem helping especially with the fruits. I know that all of the items listed above can be bought at any grocery store, but going to the market like that just makes it so much more fun. The boys love to go with me, they push the buggy around (trust me it is crowded). Oh and sorting through all of the corn on the cob is big time fun for them!

I think one of my biggest problems with my eating habits is that I usually feel rushed to prepare meals, or else order out. I enjoy lots of healty foods if I would just take the time to prepare the meals.

Another one of my problems is my lack of exercise. I stay somewhat busy at work, but that isn't enough. I need to take advantage of that gym membership that I have. I have plenty of ways to stay active I just need to stop being such a lazy butt and do them.

If anyone out there reads this and has any suggestions they will be appreciated. I need some new ideas to make my little weight loss journey a bit more exciting. I'm looking forward to winner that 500 bucks. Wish me luck!!!

1 comment:

Bob Cross said...

Tae Kwon Do - it is the One True Path to fitness, weight loss and a bunch of other really good things that I can't remember right now....

Ask RGMB, she'll tell you.

And don't give me the "age" argument, either, Ms. Ex-Military Not-as-old-as-me. ;-)

End result (for me, at least): about an hour per day 3-4 days per week consumes more beer calories than I can fit in (not for lack of trying... ;-).