Friday, September 16, 2005

Why My Tequila Sunrise?

Someone brought up Tequila to me the other day, so that reminded me that maybe I should explain why I titled my blog "My Tequila Sunrise." Also why I made my address

Well even though I rarely drink now I have did quite a bit of it while growing up. Especially while I was in the Army, being stationed at Fort Polk, Louisiana didn't leave much a person much else to do except drink. That of course was many years ago, but besides beer (which I can't drink anymore with bloating right up) my favorite drink was a Tequila Sunrise; actually it still is.

As I listed in the title, the ingredients of a Tequila Sunrise, I compare it to the contents of this blog, which are the "ingredients" that make up ME! The things in my life that make me happy, sad or just somewhere inbetween.

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