Sunday, September 11, 2005


Not sure how well this picture will turn out once it is posted. It is looking kind of fuzzy on my screen right now, but it was such a cute pic that I couldn't resist posting it. I always thought this was an adorable picture of my boys. It was taken one Christmas, I believe in 2000 which would have made them about five years old.

And no, one is not shorter than the other one, one is just kind of sitting on the couch while the other one is standing.

Back then it was more difficult for others to figure out which one was which. My mom, my sister and myself we the only ones that could tell them apart for the longest time. Eventually my daughter stopped calling them "the fat baby" or "the skinny baby" and started using their real names. For years though they just referred to themselves just as "brother." I always thought that was soooooo cute. They would say things like, "hey brother come here and look." They grew out of that though about two years ago.

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