Sunday, September 18, 2005

My baby girl is growing up

This was my daughter, Rona, on her way to the movies last night with her girlfriend. Her first trip to the movies without a parent. They were dropped off by another parent.

She is a very responsible girl, I'm very proud of her. I felt weird, I know she was just going to the movies, but I felt like she was growing up. Like this was a major event in her life. I even let her have her birthday present early (a digital camera) so that she could take pictures of her and her friend. You would have thought she was going to prom or something, but in a pair of jeans and t-shirt.


Rhonda said...

Yeah I know what you mean. The mistakes that you or your parents made when you were younger can be very useful in helping you from doing the same with your children. I did I lot of crazy stuff when I was a kid, I pretty much raised myself in a way. I mean that I did whatever I wanted to do and my parents really didn't try to stop me. Although I still turned out to be a pretty good kid I think, even with all of the freedom that I had. About my parents, that makes it sound like they didn't care, but that wasn't the case. They worked a lot (which I really respect them for being such hard workers)but I think maybe they just trusted me more than I thought they did at the time.
I would be naive to not expect my kids to lie to me at times, or keep things from me. I just hope that they have enough sense to make the right decisions. I think I have a good and open relationship with my kids, especially open with my daughter. It kills me when she confesses things that she did bad years ago. Raising kids is not easy, but trust me there are many rewards that certainly make it all worth having. No matter how crazy my kids make me at times (especially when they are fighting with each other, GRRRR) I still wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

Rhonda said...

Oh, also about kids, I think as parents we need to lead by example. Examples: my kids know that I sometimes drink, I am an adult I a allowed, but I never drink in front of them. I don't have alcohol at home. They know I do this to respect them. I have seen parents that get drunk in front of their children and get stupid and don't even realize it. One time a child even said something to the parent in front of me about the parents behavior, I highly doubt that the parent even remembered the next day. I wouldn't like my kids to see me in that shape. Also with dating, my kids know that I am usually single because I am not willing to settle for anyone. I hope that teaches them something also. They know that I go out on dates, and they even want me to. They would like someone in our lives, but they also understand that we can't have just anyone be a part of our lives. One day I'll find someone perfect for us.

Rhonda said...

You mean because of Ophelia? My parents live in Florida and I have to worry about them with hurricanes. Hopefully things will be okay for everyone.

Rhonda said...

Funny you said that, when I was driving to work this morning I was thinking about it. I realized it was Rita, and I thought were the heck did I get Ophelia from? Man, if these hurricanes don't stop coming and raising gas prices I am going to have to move. I drive about one hundred miles a day for work, I won't be able to afford the gas to get there.

Rhonda said...

yes thanks Ian, I love fun facts. I had my own little power outage here in Michigan though. I was out of power for about 26 hours from Thurday to Friday evening. All it took was about a ten minute storm to put a damper on my life for a few days, I can only imagine the lives of those that had to deal with the terror of Katrina and Rita. Luckily it is back on today, and hopefully I can get some good sleep tonight. Oh and I must have gotten the name Ophelia from one of the not so significant hurricanes. Goes to show I need to pay closer attention.