Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Word confusion

My son Jason was telling me about a field trip that was going to happen at school.

Jason: "Yeah mom, they want all the parents to go. They get to watch the movie for free, but they have to pay for the CONFESSION stand."

Mom: "Do you mean concession stand?"

Daughter listening to conversation and of course putting in her two cents.

Daughter: "That sounds like something they would have at a church carnival."

Of course knowing all along what he meant, but couldn't resist poking fun at her little brother.

Ha, Ha, gotta love those kids.


Topwomen said...

very cute! A church carnival---only a kid could come up with that!

My oldest daughter said something cute today as well. Actually she wrote something funny. She was asking permission of the local grocery store to set up a table in front of the store so that people could read a petition she was passing out as a school assignment about recycling. She was speaking of "inflictng" garbage to be recycled in a compactor.

Kids are great!

Topwomen said...

on another note, you don't work for Ford do you? I heard they're considering closing four plants!