Saturday, November 05, 2005


Here is a picture of my boys Jason (L) & Joey (R) taken about three years ago. This would have made them about seven years old.

The text read....


You were bonded together in the
Heavens before the came to the Earth.
You heard each others hearts begin to
beat and you shared your day of birth.

If one of you began to cry the other
joined in. To show how much they cared.
You began learning about your differences
and about interests that you shared.

You have doubled a mother's love in so
many ways and in all the things you do.
I am truly grateful to have received such
a special gift, for I was blessed with two.

by Wendy Silva

Yes, I do feel truly blessed to have had twin boys. My maternal great grandmother had several sets of twins. Her twins were all fraternal, mine are identical. I'm not sure if I have given details about the twins birth in my blog, so here I go (possibly again).

I was two months pregnant when I found out that I was pregnant with twins. It was a shock to me, especially since we had just gotten out of the military and we had both just gotten our jobs. Remember I already have a daughter so we were not exactly prepared to another child, let alone two more. That didn't stop them from coming and I am so happy that they came.

I was in preterm labor for a long time before I actually delivered them. The doctor gave me some medicine to stop the contractions. I had an appointment with the doctor at 36 1/2 weeks. At that time he said that I was far enough along and told me to stop taking the medication. The last dose of medicine was taken that moring before the appointment. Within hours after stopping the medication I started having my contractions. I remember sitting there eating dinner when I realized that this was not what I normally felt, these were getting stronger and closer. My ex was at work at the time, so I had my mother call him and take me to the hospital. There was a bit of a mixup at the hospital with the positions of the babies, so they had to bring in the ultrasound machine at the last moment to check the positions. See Baby A (Jason) was in the birth canal, but Baby B (Joey) was breech. The doctor actually thought that the babies were reversed. I know this of course because that made my 5th ultrasound that I had seen, so I knew exactly how my babies were positioned. Anyways after figuring that out it was about time for me to deliver. Off to the birthing room...

As far as I know they always do epidurals on twins just in case they have to go to a c-section to get the other baby out. I have never worked in a civilian hospital, but this is how we always did it in the military. I worked in the operating room, which is who did all the c-sections for Labor & Delivery. Although they also called us for twins, just in case, but never did I ever come across a case of twins having to go to c-section. So I have seen many vaginal deliveries because of this. Anyways, this is what they did with me, they gave me an epidural. Of course for some reason mine didn't take. I kept telling them that I could feel everything, and they kept asking does the pain feel any less? NO!!!! They found out the next day that it didn't work when I had my tubal ligation and they had to use general anesthetic instead of the epidural they had planned on using. They kept the setup in my back to use the following day for my surgery.

So my delivery went on with me FEELING EVERYTHING. I pushed Jason out and the doctor was trying to get me to push out Joey. I told him "no way, I already gave you one baby you're gonna have to go in and get that one yourself!!" Especially since this was after I pushed one baby out and he had two arms up there trying to turn the second baby around. OUCH!! Eventually I surrendered, I let him have his way, I PUSHED. Actually I thought I was having triplets the placenta was so large. Because they are identical they shared one huge placenta instead of having two different ones.

Well finally my little ones were here. After bringing them home from the hospital we were afraid that after taking their wristbands off we would not remember which one was which. We decided to paint the oldest baby's toenail with nailpolish. When they were infants it was very difficult to tell them apart, but as they have grown older I look at them and see two totally different boys. I know when others see them they think they look identical, but to me they do not look identical at all, I know....because I am the mom.

Oh yes, they both weighed 5 lbs 6 ozs. Funny how they weighed exactly the same, usually one is larger than the other. There shared equally while in my womb, unfortunately I can't say that now. Also they were born 2o minutes apart, it took the 20 minutes to turn Joey around and convince me that I needed to push him out. I was just a bit stubborn.

Also I was lucky that I was able to have my mom and husband both in the deliveryroom with me. Of course that was along with what seemed like the entire hospital staff (okay I'm exaggerating a bit, but the room was packed). There was me, anesthesia, two doctors, my mom & husband, many nurses, and who knows maybe even people passing by to visit other expectant mothers. See they left the door wide open, so that everyone walking down the hallway could see the delivery, I was not sure why they did this, but at the time it didn't matter to me. I would not have cared if CNN was there covering the event. I just wanted them out!!! Of course later seeing it on television would not have made me very happy, but at the time who cares.

Oh one more thing to point out about my delivery. Actually it was about their names. See when we had my daughter they never told us what we were having, but we just had a feeling that it was a girl so we never picked out boy names. Well with the boys I went to see a specialist for one of my ultrasounds, and I asked him two questions. #1. What are their sexes? He said for sure one was a boy, but he couldn't be sure about the other one. #2 Are they identical? He was not positive but he thought that they were identical, but he couldn't tell for sure because there was like a seam down the placenta. This could have been just one large placenta, which would have made them identical, or it could have been two placentas fused together, which would have made them fraternal. Well again, we just knew in our minds that it was two identical boys, so we picked out two boy's names. Of course as I was sitting in the delivery room waiting for the staff I thought to myself "Oh my God, what if I have a girl." How can I have babies and now know what to name them, so we all brainstormed and tried to come up with a name. I knew that I wanted the initals to match, and that the first boy out would be Jason. So if a girl came out I would have to come up with a name for her, luckily it wasn't a girl because I never came up with a girls name that started with a "J". So here I am with Jason & Joseph (Joey).

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