Sunday, November 20, 2005

My weekend

My weekend plans didn't exactly go the way that I had planned them to, but it still ended up being a nice weekend.

My intentions were to go to the tree lighting ceremony in Detroit, but never made it. Actually I thought it was suppose to be on Saturday, but ended up being Friday night instead. So instead I took the kids to dinner, then to see the new Harry Potter movie.

This was our conversation before the show....

Daughter: "Okay mom, this time don't fall asleep in the middle of the movie."

Me: "What? I feel asleep during the last movie?" (last Harry Potter movie)

Daughter: "YEAH! Then you bought us the movie over the summer and were all surprised when we told you that we had already seen it WITH YOU."

Obviously I am not a Harry Potter fan, and trust me, it took everything I had not to fall asleep during this one. I should probably let you know that my bedtime is usually 9 pm, so I was ready to crash. The movie was like almost 3 hours long, geez!! The kids liked the movie though, so don't take my opinion about it.

Well that was my Friday night. Saturday morning I got up and took Joey shopping with me. The other two stayed with my nephew. I probably did more shopping than I should have, but I got some great deals especially for Christmas. Then last night I had a date with Todd. Usually we go out, but last night we decided to stay home and watch a movie and order a pizza. I ate two slices of pizza and lasted about twenty minutes into the movie and was out. I'm such a great date.

Sidenote: I'm just sitting here and watching my daughter. She is becoming quite obsessed with my Time magazines. She use to read my sister's celebrity magazines, but since I don't read them or keep them around she has now focused on my magazines. I just think it is funny to have my 13 year old running around saying, "mom where is that Time magazine, I had it ready to take to school, I wanted to read it and it disappeared." Yeah it disappeared into my bookbag so that I could take it to work and read it. Not like I actually get any reading time at work, but I take it just in case the opportunity arises.

Anyways, my weekend was the most exciting, but still came out pretty good. As for now I think I am off to the video store to get a movie or two.

Hope you're having a great weekend.

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