Saturday, August 27, 2005

You're 36?

My daughter is such a sweetheart. She was looking at my profile and noticed that it said I was 36. She exclaims, "YOU'RE 36?!" Duh!!!! Nothing like making mom feel old. I accidently typed 26 instead of 36 and she said "OH yeah, you wish you were 26." Yeah I do, that would only make her 3 and she wouldn't be standing over my shoulder reading what I am typing.

You gotta love them though!


Bob Cross said...

Heh. In that case, she'd think I was really old, especially since most of my hair has turned white!
- Old Fossil

Rhonda said...

Did I read that you were 38? My, you are an old fossil. Actually thanks to Loreal 9 1/2 NB my hair is not white. Trust me, there is some in there, it just blends well with the blonde hair. Oh, I am surprise to see that you traveled this far into my blog.

Bob Cross said...

Shut up shut up shut up! I'm not old I'm not old I'm not old! ;-)

Actually, WifeUnit is the old one. She's eight months older than me, the cradle robbing hussy.

Apparently, I do freak people out in person (in more ways than one, hur hur): I often get the disbelieving "You're THAT old?! That's OLD!"