Tuesday, August 16, 2005

My grandma is soooo cool

I think this is the coolest thing. My grandmother will be 85 years old in October. Besides the fact that she always looks perfect, makeup on, hair always done, well kept clothes. My grandma has her eyebrows tattooed. Tell me that isn't cool. Actually I am not into them, I wouldn't get one because when I think about getting one all I can think about is me as an old lady with some shriveled up tattoo. What my grandma did a fews years ago was to have her eyebrows done. You would think that you would be able to tell, but I never even noticed it. The color goes well with her hair so it seems so natural. She actually had to tell me about it. Then of course after someone tells you something like that you can't help but check em out.

Last year when I went to visit her she told me that she wanted to get her teeth whitened. I can't believe it, she is 84 years old and still so particular about her looks. I think she looks great, and I can only hope that when I get her age that I look as good.

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