Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Library late fees

I have a ton of books and I like to keep them. I have this little problem though. Someone always seems to see me reading a book and will ask me if they can borrow it. I am the type of person that likes to share. I share what I am eating with my friends at work, I hear a funny story and I have to share it with the person next to me, someone wants to read my book, fine I have no problem sharing. What I do have a problem with is when nobody returns them.

Right off the top of my head I can name five books that I have lent out (I feel like the library).

1. Just recently (today) someone borrowed "Freakonomics" from me. I do feel that this person will return it within a reasonable amount of time. Of course I thought this of all the others also.

2. About six months ago I lent out a copy of a book about the Trojan War. Didn't that war last ten years? Maybe I'll get the book back in about the same amount of time.

3. About 2 years ago a girl that I knew had a relative died, so I lent her the book "On Death and Dying" by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. I was at the time reading another book, and I figured she needed the book more than I did so I let her read it. I brought the subject up to her several time and she seems to avoid me. It is just a book, but I want it back. I never even got the chance to read this one, it was brand new.

4. This is to my dear friend Kim, that I think is great, BUT you still have one of my books. Another one that I didn't even get a chance to read. I can't recall the name of this book or even what it is about because you have had it so long.

5. Then there is The DaVinci Code. I don't usually read novels, but I really enjoyed this book and passed it along to several people. Somewhere along the way it got lost and never managed to find its way back to me.

Maybe if I started charging late fees I would get them back? ya think?

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