Sunday, August 21, 2005

Speed dating

I was reading the book Blink when I came across a section in the book detailing a dating technique that I found interesting. I have seen this technique before on some movie, but I have never run across it anywhere near where I live. This technique is called speed-dating.

This process takes potential daters and places them in a setting with other potential daters. They get to spend a set amount of time with each person (in the book it said 6 minutes) before each man moves on to the next. So what they do is basically jump from one person to another every six minutes to see if there is any kind of connection. Each person fills out a form to let the host know which person they found an interest in. If there was a mutual interest between two people then they would both be contacted at a later time. Where it goes from there is up to the two individuals.

I thought this was a great idea. I have been on so many first dates, sitting there with them for a couple of hours when I've realized within the first several minutes that I was not interested in anything further. Or endless hours of internet chatting only to find out that when I meet them in person they are really not the person that I thought they were.

I should check into this and see if there is anything like this in my area. I live in the Detroit/Ann Arbor area if anyone out there has any suggestions.

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