Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Religious folk at the door

Okay I am suppose to be getting ready for class tonight but I just had to write about something real quick before I leave, otherwise I will forget.

Someone knocked at the door, so I told the boys to go get it. I always do that because nobody ever comes to the door for me without me expecting them. Since I wasn't expecting anyone I sent to kids off to answer it. Jason was on the computer so Joey got up to get it. As soon as he opened the door I heard those ever familiar words "if you were to die today, would you go to heaven?" Joey responsed with, "I don't know" through a crack in the door. We have a cat that likes to sneak out so he wasn't trying to be rude, but instead attempting to keep the cat in the house. The girl continued on with her pitch and I couldn't help but laugh. Joey was so polite and listened to everything the girl had to say, he even answered all her questions. It is just so funny because everyone, probably even yourself and I know myself do just about anything we can to avoid these sort of visitors. Myself, I happen to be agnostic, but my kids believe in God, and I have no problem letting them go to church or learn about God. I'm not the sort to keep them from religion. I remember when they were young and I would let them go to Sunday school and I would listen to them talk to each other afterwards. Some days when they would have disagreements among themselves I would hear one say to the other, "God knows you're lying." I thought that was just the cutest thing.

Anyway, back to the vistor today. After they left Joey shut the door and said, "I love God and everything, but I'm not answering the door anymore!"

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