Sunday, October 01, 2006

Life ain't too bad is it?

What's happening with me?

Lets see...

1. I've known this for some time now, but it is time to stop putting it off. I must stop sitting around so much, I am putting on the pounds. I have had more time off in the past two years than I need. This work a couple of weeks, have a couple off is really getting to me. As much as it sounds great to have the time off, when you are use to having your life a certain way it actually sounds better than it is. I mean first off, I usually am much happier when I have a busy schedule. There isn't enough time to worry about things that might be bothersome. Well unfortunately lately I have had more than enough time to think about things that bother me. Gaining weight is on the top of my list right now. I know it is my own fault, nobody but the extra pounds on me but myself. I considered joining a gym, but I quickly expelled that thought out of my mind. The last time I did that I paid like $300 for the initial fee, then something like $69 per month. It was a really nice gym, and it would have been worth it if I were the type to go there faithfully. Of course that would take too much of my time away from home, I already spend enough when I do work and with school. The original plan was for me to go before work since it is open 24 hours a day, but there was no way that I was going to crawl out of bed to exercise without a drill sergeant standing over me. I gave all of that up after basic training. Although joining the military was one way to motivate me into physical activity. Well since I don't see me enlisting in the military, nor do I expect Oprah to offer me her personal trainer free of charge, so it looks as if I am on my own. I guess my Billy Blanks Tae Bo tapes are going to have to be a start for now.

2. Classes are going well, but I have been struggling a bit with my Spanish. I'm still getting good grades, it is just that when the professor asks me something in Spanish I give him a puzzled look as if I am wondering what the hell he just asked me. Which I probably am, acutally I don't think the problem is me understanding him, it is I've been too slow to figure out a correct response. I think because I am getting good test scores he thinks that I know what I am doing, but he has no clue does he? My other problem is that when he gives dictation I can't quite catch all of the words that he is saying. Maybe it is because his native tongue is Spanish, so with his accent and with him speaking so quickly it blows right over my head. I'm working on it though. Hell sometimes I have enough trouble speaking English. My ex-husband use to make fun of me because I always called Elvis, Alvis. I know that he is Elvis, but I still insist on calling him Alvis.

3. A favorite past time of mine was country dancing. This of course was years ago, like nearly 20 years ago. I was stationed in the south (Louisiana, Texas) for about 7 years. I learned how to line dance, two-step, polka, waltz while I was down there. Of course now the only thing that I can do is stand along the dance floor and watch everyone else. I think part of is has to do with the part of the country I am in. In Michigan you pretty much have to be a professional to be on the floor, well at least that is how they make you feel. As a matter of fact, most of what they do is line dancing. I wonder if they even know how to two-step. I recently went to visit a friend in Oklahoma and pretty much everyone was out there dancing whether they could or not. I like that, and I miss it. Actually way back I was pretty good, of course things have changed so much that I am embarrassed to even get out there, except to do the Hustle, but who can't do the Hustle? So tonight I am going to take some line dance lessons at a local country bar. I've been wanting to do it for some time, so I think I'll start tonight. Well at least that is my plan at the moment, ask me tomorrow if I went or not. Maybe a couple of lessons and I'll be out there tearing up the dance floor myself.

4. Tomorrow I get to take a trip to downtown Detroit to Mexican Town with my Anthropology class (Urban culture & lifestyles). One of the many trips that I will be going on. Maybe I'll have one of my favorite drinks "Tequila Sunrise." This is a very cool class because our classes don't actually take place in a classroom setting, but instead in field environments. VERY COOL! Oh I should be finishing up my Liberal Arts/General Studies degrees next semester. Maybe, I might actually be one credit short, which means I will have to take one more class the following semester. Either way it will be soon, then I am off to complete my Psychology degree. I know, I know everyone says that there is no money is Psychology but I'm old enough to realize that it isn't all about money, it is about how happy I will be in the job I am in. My kids will be heading out the door, so I will only have myself to support. Since we all know that I am going to be single forever right? haha, sometimes it feels that way, but my dating issues are another subject and we don't have that much time to discuss it.

Wow life really isn't too bad for me. It seems my biggest problem is the fact that I need to lose some weight. Not too bad.


Anonymous said...

*Are you going to get a degree in psychology? My congrats, really! Did you know that the people who live Buenos Aires are famous for visiting their therapists quite frequently? However, what matters the most here in your list is the *struggle* against extra pounds! The dance will help you to loose weight.
*Felicitaciones por tus progresos con el espaƱol. Next time, ask your teacher “¿puede repetir la pregunta, por favor? with a smart frown stamped on your forehead. It will give time to reorganize and assemble your ideas.
* I’ve posted a poem both in Spanish and in English. I’m a little bit packed, so I don’t have time to write long posts – not even in my own language! Generally, I publish something on Tuesdays, but I can quickly check other people’s blogs during the week.

Rhonda said...

Yes, I am working on a degree in Psychology, but I can't take more than 2 or 3 classes per semester with work and kids, and that is pushing it. Trust me people here in the states spend a fortune on therapy also.

I'm working on the dancing and the extra pounds. As a matter of fact I have always wanted to try Salsa dancing, but I don't know anyone that would do it with me. I think that would be one where I should take a partner. I have a hard enough time trying to get someone to go for country dance lessons with me. You know what is funny, my kids have a Playstation 2 which has a game to use with it. It is called Dance Dance Revolution, and comes with a dance pad that connects to it. I have been doing that. Not that it will teach me how to dance, but it will hopefully help me work off some of this weight, and have a bit of fun at the same time. So I have taken over my kids game for the now. Thanks for all your support.