Friday, October 27, 2006

Remember those that are special to you

Last December I created a heritage journal for a present for my paternal grandmother. She is my only living grandparent, and nearly two weeks ago she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. They estimated that she would live another week, especially since she had not eaten anything during the five days prior to her diagnosis. So far she has made it nearly a week past the week they have given her.

Of course the day that she was diagnosed both my sister and I gathered up our children and drove from Michigan to Florida to see her. She has pancreatic cancer and she is on pain meds so I'm not even sure she realized that we were there. I could only stay a week because I had to get my children back to school.

I remember when my grandfather died ten years ago they had given him a week to live also. My father called me on a Saturday, and I had to work that day so I said that I would work that shift, get the kids ready and drive up to see him the very next morning. Well he ended up dying that night, so I never did get to see him. So you see, I realize that doctor's don't have a crystal ball, and they can only guess as to how long a person actually has left. Unfortunately in my case it was much short than expected, he died less than 12 hours after that phone call. So that is why I didn't waste any time going to see my grandmother. I didn't want to be too late again. Then of course all the regrets I have for not being able to spend more time with her crept up.

Well I wanted to write this because if there is anyone out there that has been putting off seeing someone that they love that is getting older, please don't continue to put it off. Call them, pay them a visit, don't be afraid to let them know how you feel before it is too late.

I must have known something because last Christmas I took my children to Florida to see her, and I created that book for her. She cried when she received it. I think it really meant a lot to her. I'm glad that I didn't put it off, I'm glad I took the time to make something special for someone special in my life. I couldn't have asked for a better grandmother.

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