Sunday, October 01, 2006

Hootie Hoot!

Hootie Hoot! I actually made it to the country line dance lessons, and I must say that I sucked. Of course that doesn't stop me from making another attempt next week. When I told my daughter that I was going to go she asked me who I was going with. I told her that I was going alone. She said "Boy you're brave to go alone and not know anyone." She should know by now that I have done many things alone. I have been single for a long time. I go to the movies, out to dinner and just about anything else alone. If I didn't I would probably never get out. Not that I don't have the opportunity to go with others, but sometimes it is just easier this way. Anyways, it was a good time, and I am going again next week. The good thing about taking classes like this is that you're not alone there are always others there in the same situation as you. It makes it easier to strike up a conversation with others, not that I have any trouble with starting up a conversation with anyone. I've been blessed with the gift of gab.

I just finished talking with my neighbor and she is going to go with me next week. I think she needs to get out. She is recently divorced and has four children, she needs some fun.

Now all I need to do is buy me some shit kickers. It is kind of hard to dance in tennis shoes.

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