Sunday, January 22, 2006

Things to accomplish today

Well today I HAVE to get some things accomplished. I have a lot of organizing that I need to do around this place. I'm trying to simplify things a bit around here. I have way too much stuff, and not nearly enough room for it all.

Also I want to make sure that I finish my first assignment for my English class. There are two things that I need to accomplish here. 1.) I have to read the short story The Lottery, and do the series of questions at the end. This isn't so complicated, but since I tend to go into too much detail, my answers could end up being rather long. 2.) I have to come up with a topic for a personal essay. Here is the criteria for this essay:

1. It has to be about a personal event
2. Must have a moral or lesson
3. Must be universal
4. Has to be about a single day
5. I do have a creative license (so I can pull a James Frey and spice it up a bit, hehe)
6. It must be 2 1/2 to 3 pages long.
7. It can't be too upsetting/offensive to others

I know this doesn't sound too difficult, but with all the events in my life, I can't seem to come up with a single one to use.

ahhh, I think I just thought of one. Most of my stories have a lot of history around them. The ones that I can tell that revolve around one day I doubt that I can make into 2 1/2 to 3 pages. This story does have a moral, can be universal, I can possibly be creative with it, but I might not even need to, and it is personal.

I won't tell the story, but just highlight what happened. About seven years ago I went to a bar with my sister and some friends. Late in the evening a handsome young man came over to buy me a drink. I let him, it was a shot of tequila. I had hardly drank most of that evening and the bar was ready to close, but I did have that drink. The guy tried to get me to go with him as I was leaving the bar. I wouldn't go, but instead I went to stay the night at my girlfriends house a few miles away. This was our plan, she was watching my children, and I was suppose to stay there afterwards, because I didn't want to drink and drive with my children. I was perfectly fine driving home, I was still fine as I walked into her house and for about five minutes had a conversation with her and her friend. In the middle of that conversation she said I just fell over, never even moved my feet. I totally blacked out, and have no memory of this at all. I just remember waking up the next morning with a fractured 5th metatarsal in my foot. OUCH. I can't be sure, but I would bet money that that guy had drugged me and expected me to go home with him. Luckily things worked out for me, besides the broken foot, but things could have been much worse for me. It could have hit me with him, and he could have taken me anyway. It could have hit me while I was driving and caused an accident. When I feel I could have hit my head on something, and I could have died. When I fell, I just fell forward and didn't try to stop my fall in anyway, that is why I broke my foot, because I fell forward without moving them. It was a totally weird experience, and one that I won't allow myself to be in again. NEVER, EVER let a stranger buy you a drink. If you do, have it order by the waitress, DON'T let him go and get it. I wish that when I went to the doctor the next day for my foot that I would have had him do some bloodwork to see what if there actually was something in my bloodstream, or was it just some kind of freaky thing?


Matt said...

Very scary story. It's definitely something people should be aware of.

Rhonda said...

Yeah, I was very lucky!

Topwomen said...

damn that story is upsetting! You are so very lucky.

Back in the days when I was single I went to a few bars with girlfriends, but literally only one or two. It was never the kind of place that I found enjoyable. But one thing I NEVER did, was allow a guy to buy me a drink. And not for reason's of being drugged. I just didn't want them to feel that they were entitled to anything, a stranger nonetheless!

r. marie, my heart skipped a beat when I thought of you passing out, I felt such empathy for you.

Here's my theory. IF you must go to a bar, never go alone, in addition to your great suggestion of NEVER let the guy BRING the drink over. Wow!

Please take care of yourself. I hope that you pass this story on to your daughter. And besides, the same thing can happen with a soda, you must always watch your drink.

Gosh the world is a scary place for women!

Rhonda said...

I look at it as a very important lesson learned. I can be very trusting of others. This guy looked totally straight up, goes to show that you can't judge a book by its cover.

I am not big on bars myself anymore. The only reason I went was because of my sister and her friends, it may have even been her birthday, we seemed to be celebrating something.

You're right the world is a scary place for women.

Maybe my story is a bit too much to share at school. I don't know, to me with the lesson learned it is a perfect story to share, especially with other "younger" college students.

I'm still amazed at how I passed out. I was completely fine, then to just totally change in the middle of a conversation like that and to lose conscientiousness, WEIRD.

Now as I said I can not be 100% sure that I was drugged, but I have drank Taquila many times when I was younger, and never had anything like this happened to me. I had only had one or two beers before that shot. I find it hard to believe that I passed out from the alcohol.

Here are some of the symptoms of GHB, remember when this was a big thing floating around the bars. I remember a couple of girls dying from some guys slipping it into their drinks at a party.
Consumption of less than 1 gram of GHB acts as a relaxant, causing a loss of muscle tone and reduced inhibitions. Consumption of 1 to 2 grams causes a strong feeling of relaxation and slows the heart rate and respiration. At this dosage level, GHB also interferes with blood circulation, motor coordination, and balance. In stronger doses, 2 to 4 grams, pronounced interference with motor and speech control occurs. A coma-like sleep may be induced, requiring intubation to wake the user. When mixed with alcohol, the depressant effects of GHB are enhanced. This can lead to respiratory depression, unconsciousness, coma, and overdose.

It takes 15-30 minutes for GHB to start acting, which is the time frame in my story, probably closer to the 30 minutes.

Luckily the only symptom that I did have was the sudden loss of consciousness.

I was a lucky girl.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! You were sooo lucky! What a scary thing to experience!

Anonymous said...

I definitely think you should share the story, r.marie. It not only seems to meet the requirement, but would be a benefit to others if shared as well. You were extremely fortunate, some might even say blessed, to have survived the experience.

Topwomen said...

I agree with BW, share that story!!