Thursday, January 26, 2006

Just a day...

I actually got out of the house a bit today, can you believe it???

First I went to a store to pick up a few things. I was standing in line when a woman called me over to another register that she opened. I walked over near the counter, but another woman was standing there so I said "excuse me." Now I said this in a very polite way, not rude at all. This woman said in response, "YOU'RE EXCUSED!" with attitude, although she never even turned around to look at me. Tell me, what makes people so rude towards others for absolutely no reason. Well, I am not normally one to back down to someone, but getting worked up over something so petty wasn't worth it to me. Although you don't want to know what I imagined saying back to her, but I didn't say a word, I just ignored her as if it didn't mean a thing. Just thinking of the way people can be towards complete strangers amazes me. I swear I was not rude in any way towards her, I guess that is what makes it so amazing to me.

Anyways, then I went home to fix a quick meal for the kids then off to class I went. This is my English class. It was another interesting night. I really do enjoy having someone with a great sense of humor. Although I did notice something tonight. He loves to call around the room and pick those that look as if they will die if he calls on them. I have learned how to avoid this. If you blurt out the answer several times during the class, he leaves you alone, thinking that you already have a clue what you are talking about.

Actually I did pretty well for someone that hasn't had an English class since 1993, yes I said 1993. I took English Composition I WAAAYYYYY back then. Living a complicated life caused me to wait just a few years before taking another one. Actually life is not nearly as complicated as it once was for me, maybe I just got use to it. Actually when I said I did well, I wasn't referring to my grammar, I know that needs work. We discussed the elements of fiction.

After class I helped a girl set up an email account in the library at school. Part of our assignments is working in groups and sending emails back and forth to each other. Then I went off to the grocery store to do some shopping. I miss the days when I use to do late night grocery shopping. Since I am usually in bed by nine each evening while I am working I rarely get to do this. There is a big difference between late night shopping and day time shopping. If I had my way I would never shop during the day ever again.

So okay, it wasn't a very interesting day, but hey...I did get out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, school is fun no matter what! And you even had time to help someone in the end, so I'd say that was a day well spent.