Saturday, January 21, 2006

I've been tagged

I have never been tagged before, but thanks to Maria I will be sharing a bit more about myself. I see she's going to make me think a bit today.

Four jobs I have had before:

1. Fast food store supervisor-This job was important to me because it helped me to develop my leadership skills. I had my own store within two years, 5 months of those two years I was on maternity leave for the twins. Another thing about this job that I liked was that it allowed me show others how to advance in their positions also.

2. Soldier/Surgical technician, United States Army-This job was very interesting. Exploring the human anatomy in this way is an experience that I am happy to have had. The only thing that I didn't like about this job is that I felt so isolated from everyone else. During surgery there are only a few people in the room with you, and the patient is usually under anesthetic, or just not interested in having conversation (if you know what I mean). The operating room is pretty much cut off from the rest of the hospital. I am a people person and I love to be surrounded by lots of people.

3. Wedding set-ups-This job didn't excite me, especially since at the time I had this job I had just left my husband (I wanted to yell at the bride, "ARE YOU CRAZY?). I did this job only for about 8 months while I went to college full time and worked this job part-time, but it didn't pay nearly enough to raise three kids. This was my job as I was recovering from my Depression.

4. Automotive assembler-This is my current job which I have held for almost 7 years. I work for one of the Big Three. This job allows me to financially support my family. It allows me to further my education. It allows me to have contact with many different types of individuals on a daily basis. It keeps me moving all day long (I can only imagine how big my butt would be if I had a job that I sat around all day long).

4 Movies you could watch over and over:

Many years ago I would have listed these, but as I have grown older it would be fine if I never watch them ever again. I can't think of any current favorites, but here are mine from YEARS ago.

1. Grease (I saw it like 13 times when I was a kid)

2. Pretty Woman (I think Richard Gere was so sexy in that movie)

3. Dirty Dancing


4 Places you have lived:

Other than here in Michigan:

1. Fort Polk, Louisiana

2. Fort Hood, Texas

3. Fort Sam Houston, Texas

4. King Khalid Military City, Saudi Arabia

4 T.V. shows you love to watch:

Since I just had my satallite installed less than a week ago it is pretty difficult for me to answer this question, I'll give you the stations I tend to watch.

1. Law & Order-not sure why I like this show, but I do watch it often.

2. HGTV-I love these decorating shows, where they totally change someone's house.

3. Lifetime

4. Discovery Channel

4 Places you have been on vacation:

This is sad, but the only place I have been on vacation is.....

1. My parents house in Florida




While I was in the military I realized that I hated living out of a suitcase. I am always single and when my kids have time off from school they are usually with their father, so rather than go on vacation alone I just don't go. Sad isn't it? I know. Over the past year though I have decided to change this way of thinking. I goal to be able to travel to Italy within the next 5 years, although I would love to go with someone.

4 Websites you visit daily:

Actually you will get the ONLY six that I visit DAILY:

1. Maria's

2. MindKibble

3. Donna's Mundane Little World

4. Zen and the Art of Dreaming

5. What's That Post?

6. Ali Edwards

4 of your favorite foods:

1. I Love sandwiches

2. Pizza

3. Chicken Florentine (just about anything with chicken breasts)

4. Mexican

4 Places you would rather be right now:

1. Italy




I don't really mind being at home.

4 Bloggers you are tagging:

1. Donna

2. rgmb

3. Zataod


The only other person that I would have tagged was Maria, but she did me I'll have to leave this blank.


Anonymous said...

haha, that is fine, I started in the morning, and I finished it several hours later.

Anonymous said...

Hi there!

I am so flattered to hear you check my blog daily! Thanks! I checks yours daily too :)

I loved all your answers! Thanks for taking the time! It's amazing all that you have accomplished at such young age! Wow, you were a soldier/surgical technician! I'm so impressed!

Rhonda said...

Maria, thanks for the giving me the opportunity to share.