Thursday, January 19, 2006

Selective memories

You'll have to excuse me, but since I haven't had a lot of adult conversations lately, all I have to talk about is my conversations with my kids.

A little bit ago I was reading a post from MindKibble, which lead me to another article in National Geographic about "Bog Men." Just as I was finishing the article my daughter walked in from her half day of school. She sat down and read the article, then a similar article (about hair gel); this is when our conversation began.

daughter: "Mom, you know those guys with the white wigs? Well they only took a bath like once a month, and they wore those wigs and like hid it very well."

mom: "Where did you learn about that?"

daughter: "They had a play at school last year, you know with professionals, not kids. It was about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and they told us that."

mom: "Oh, so is the fact that they only bathed once a month the only thing you learned out of that?"

daughter: "NO"

Of course, she couldn't come up with one other thing about him. Isn't it strange how certain things just stick out in our mind, and other things we just can't seem to remember, like the important stuff. Hey, but we remember how often he bathed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How funny what your daughter remembered!...but yes, it's so interesting how our minds can remember certain things so well, while others just don't stick at all.