Thursday, January 19, 2006

My Personality Type

Mindkibble has again caused me to seek out another site. This one has to do with blood type & personality types.

This is what it says for my Personality Type, A-

You Have A Type A- Personality


You are one of the most balanced people around
Motivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want
You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you.

When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back
Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love!
You live life to the fullest - encorporating the best of both worlds

This is what it says for my bloodtype, A

Type A:
While outwardly calm, they have such high standards (perfectionists) that they tend to be balls of nerves on the inside. Type A's are the most artistic of the blood groups. They can be shy, are conscientious, trustworthy, and sensitive.

Best Traits: Conservative, reserved, patient, punctual, perfectionist and good with plants.
Worst Traits: Introverted, obsessive, stubborn, self conscious, and uptight.

I don't consider myself shy, or introverted. I wouldn't call myself self-conscious, and not always uptight, and I certainly AM NOT good with plants.

Edit: When I took a psychology class at school a few years ago these were the results. I have an ENFJ personality type.


Topwomen said...

do you think the positive traits ring true?

Rhonda said...

did you notice that I added that my personality description is ENFJ, I added the link to it. I think it describes me pretty well. I am a people-focused individual. I do interact well with others, and I do have that chameleon-like manner. I can pretty much fit into any group. I've had best friends that have been lawyers, engineers and fit in perfectly, and then those uneducated and simple minded. I love "teaching" helping others learn what I know. I'm sure you have already figured this one out. I don't like to be alone, when I am alone I turn to dark thoughts. I prefer to be surrounded by people. I often put other's needs before mine. I expose myself, but when I do it (as I discussed the other day)I hope that someone will learn from my experience, and that is worth the exposure to me. I don't consider myself well organized, but when I need to be I am. Like when I went to see my lawyer about my children and their father, I took with me a notebook with everything that I had pertaining to our children with me (to include report cards, all court papers, etc). Each document was placed into page protectors, and organized. I walked in the room and handed the entire binder on the desk in front of him. He said that he had never had anyone come in so organized. There are certain things that I am fussy about, and when those things are out of order I have to have it fixed. Also you probably know this, I do have a need for a strong, close intimate relationship. I don't have it, and yes that bothers me, but I won't settle. I am usually good at most things I do. I am excited about the possibilities of the future, and bore easily with the present. My blog probably shows that also, if you pay close enough attention.

I think this certainly explains who I am much more than my blood type.

Topwomen said...

I took those same tests in psychology class years ago! I can only recall I was something like a teacher/intuitive, extrovert something-or-other, I should retake it.

Rhonda said...

yes, I would be interested in reading it. Did you find it to be pretty accurate back then?

Rhonda said...

rgmb-although I don't consider myself to be an artist, I do believe that I have a creative side to me. I think I am conscientious, trustworthy, and definately sensitive.

Topwomen said...

yes it was very accurate. As I recall the test was based on Jungian psychology, am I correct?

You are very creative, for example I love what you did with your banner, who would have thunk it? cool.

I'll retake it again someday, but as I recall it's a lengthy test and I don't know that I have the time lately with all my projects. Too bad!

Rhonda said...

Yes it is based on Jungian psychology, and yes the one tha I took was quite lengthy. It asked many of the same type questions over and over just in different ways.

Anonymous said...

R.Marie, just a thank you for posting the additional link to the test. Exploring the site, I am finding it very...I am tempted to say enlightening but I think, revealing, in terms of my own personality is more accurate.

It was right on the money in terms of introverted, although my participation in several game forums and posts on Blogs might tend to cause individuals to think otherwise. In fact, it was very accurate in so many areas.

I am still reviewing the ISTP and INTP types. There are a majority of similarities, but it is the S and N traits that has my interest and perhaps will lead to some understanding concerning certain...struggles…I tend to have.

Also, I want to add, you do have a very nice Blog and hope you don’t mind but I am sure I will be back to view and enjoy it often.


Rhonda said...

BWoody-You're welcome for the link, and thanks for stopping by my blog. You're welcome to come back any time you like.

I'm glad that you found the link interesting, I know that I did. Actually I already knew my personality description, but I still find it interesting to read every now and then.

Hope to see you back again, or back at rgmb's blog.