Saturday, January 14, 2006

Mr. & Ms. Fill in the blank

My kids friends call me Rhonda. This feels a bit weird to me, but I haven't corrected them.

I've had this conversation with my kids before, but had it again last night with my daughter.

"You know kids should address adults as Mr/Ms _____. It's not proper to address your friends parents by their first name unless they tell you to."

"I know mom, you've told me this before. That's why I don't call them anything. When I want to tell them something I just talk and hope that they know I'm talking to them."


Matt said...

I guess times have changed. I didn't even know the first names of many of my friends' parents.

Rhonda said...

Well I guess I should be talking to my kids about when someone asks my name. They should let them know what to call me, instead they say, "Oh, her name is Rhonda." I correct them on what to call others, but not what to have others call me.

Topwomen said...

my oldest daughter has a male friend (she doesn't like me calling him her "boyfriend" yet) who calls me. Mrs....He's the only of all the kids in and out who does this. It's very refreshing.

BTW, love your new design!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda!
I love your new design and your banner! Thanks for your post, yes, I had myself taken somewhat of a break from scrapbooking last week...but I couldn't wait to get back to it...I call it my own "therapy".
My daughter's friends still call me Mrs... and I actually really like that. I grew up always calling my friends' parents Mr/Mrs so and so.

Rhonda said...

Thanks, it took me like 1/2 a day to figure out how to alter the html. Zataod was wondering in giving me an idea how to get started. Oh my nephew did help me out by helping me to save my original template, and giving me an alternate one to work with until I got it right. One of my biggest problems was when I scanned the design (which is scrapbook paper) and then I uploaded it to blogger to get the html code from them I click the dot for "NONE" instead of "CENTER", so I couldn't figure out why it kept floating somewhere to the left of my page. Oh, and I changed the header to 100% The I had to figure out the colors, I'm not exactly sure I like that color for my body, but it looks better than it did with white for that header. Next I had to work on the Title & description. The title didn't take me too much time. I believe I changed it from normal to bold, and then I increased it's size and decreased the letter space. Another big problem for me was the description would not center. So eventually I figured out that I had to change the whatever it was that was set at 700 to 1000 which allowed me to stretch it out across the page, which centered it. Hey it worked. I had also changed the size of the text, then I had to change the gap between the Title and description so that it would sit where I wanted it to sit below the banner. It is my first one, so I have to pat myself on the back for getting it accomplished. Of course it would have been better if it didn't take up half my day, but you know how it is when you're determined to figure something out. You don't want to stop until you do. Well at least that is how I am. Or like when someone tells you a riddle and you don't want them to tell you the answer. An hour later, you're like "Oh no, wait, I'll get it, hold on don't tell me yet." That is ME!

Rhonda said...

oops, I'm good at screwing up a post especially when I am typing in the morning, not nearly awake. That last comment should read Zataod was wonderful at giving me an idea at how to get started.

Matt said...

R. Marie -- The key point is that I gave you a tiny bit of help getting started. You took off with it after that point.

I know the feeling of huge amounts of time slipping away when you are trying to figure out a series of puzzles that you figured out.

Topwomen said...


is it me or is there something up with your template? I subscribe to your site and saw two articles which I don't find when I come here ("hi" and "comments")

also, your template is back to the original...what's up?

Rhonda said...

rgmb-I changed it back to the original to because I noticed that something was acting funny with it. It won't let me post anything, although my post are in my edit post sections, they just won't show up on my blog. I thought maybe it was something that I did when I altered it, but it still isn't acting right. The "hi" was me testing my blog. I saved the altered template so that I can put it back. I can't seem to figure it out. GRRR! Something else to drive me crazy today, haha. Hopefully I figure it out, or as Zataod suggested it may just be a glitch. I did notice like a week back my comments stopped getting mailed to me. I had not even begun to alter my template when that happened it just happened. I might have to just start a new one if I can't fix it.