Sunday, January 29, 2006

I definately need to keep my day job. I'd go broke as an artist.

This is my week #4 entry for 52 Figments. This weeks prompt was...You just won an Oscar!! Knowing that millions of people around the world are watching you, who would you want to thank?

This is an attempt to draw a self portrait. Now remember I have NEVER had any art class except while in elementary school. Fortunately I have a real job, because I wouldn't bring home any bacon as an artist.


Jamie Dawn said...

I'm a terrible artist. My drawings now look like they did when I was in elementary school.

Rhonda said...

I can't say mine have changed much either over the years.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a fun entry!

Matt said...

It takes guts to post artwork, and it's not half bad for a non artist. If I tried to do a self portrait, I doubt anyone would be able to tell what species of animal I was trying to draw.

Rhonda said...

Thanks guys. My kids had to laugh when they saw it, especially my daughter she thought it was really funny.

Rhonda said...

BW-Believe it or not when I was younger everyone was always impressed with my artwork. I remember in elementary school we had to draw a skeleton. I used the encyclopedia and drew mine. Making a lifesize one, with all the details with each bone. I remember my teacher being so impressed with my work that she took it around the entire school to show each class. I also won a Woodsy the Owl coloring contest when I was younger. Do you remember Woodsy? I also won a young authors contest while in elementary school. That was one of my greatest achievements back then. It was awesome for me to go to the conference to meet a real author. Of course I never expected to win any of these contests that I won, especially the young author conference. As I read everyone's stories, I remember thinking how their stories seemed so much more interesting than mine. Also as an assignment I had to draw a diagram of the inner ear one year. I did this on a poster board. That again was in elementary school, but as I advanced into highschool I ended up having that same teacher again for band and my vocational clerical classes. He remembered me from elementary school and told me that he had kept my diagram for years after to use as a teaching aid. I think 7th grade was actually the last time I had an art class. I didn't put a lot of effort into this portrait, I was basically just trying to complete last weeks project before I got behind. I wonder what I could come up with if I put some more effort and had some instruction of the basics of drawing/art.

Hey, and keep up with your circles. You know what they say don't you? Practice makes perfect, maybe one day you'll be the circle master.

Rhonda said...

BW-I am exhausted today so let me know if that doesn't make sense.