Sunday, January 01, 2006

Hey, that thing got a hemi??

Isn't she beautiful?? This was my ride down here in Florida. I was getting kind of use to driving her.

My grandmother picked her up a couple of weeks ago. My grandmother is something else. One day my father was taking her to the eye doctor, after getting out of the car she noticed a silver car near her loaded with chrome. She turns to my father and says "hey Bobby, what kind of car is that?" He tells her that it is the 300c. My grandfather retired from Chrysler many years ago. She then told him, "well I want you to take me down to the Chrysler dealership and I'm gonna get one.

Within the next two days she was down to the dealer and ordered her one. She told me about it on the phone. She said, "Rhonda, I told them that if they couldn't get me one just like that one I saw then I wasn't going to take it. It's got a hemi, I don't need that, but I had to take it to get all the chrome." This sounds just like my grandmother and something that I admire about her. She is determined to get what she wants. The funny thing about this story is that my grandmother being 85 years old, does not even drive. She hasn't driven in years, she buys the car and it sits at my parents house. Which was great for me considering that I flew down. I didn't mind breaking it in for her.

She only has one problem with the car. My grandmother has difficulty getting around, especially in and out of vehicles. She likes to go out to eat, and goes weekly to get her hair and nails done, so she gets out often. Her last car, which was a 300M had handles in the front passenger seat which made it easier for her to get in and out of the car. Unfortunately the 300c doesn't have them, but they do have them in the back seats. This of course upsets her, and she has informed me that she has written a letter to Chrysler headquarters to complain, and that she also plans on calling after the first of the year. She has a valid point, and a great suggestion. Hopefully there is a way that she can have one installed to help accomodate her. Other than that, she loves the new car.

I gotta love my grandmother!!!

Edit: I spoke with someone about the handles and they said that the car came with an option for side passenger airbags, which is what my grandmother got. She said that she wanted a car just like the one, she didn't realize that she could have opted to not have it put in. The side airbags run along the section of the car where the handle would have been placed, because of this there is no way to mount the handle there. Too bad she didn't know this ahead of time. Lesson learned, make sure you know exactly what you are purchasing before you make the purchase.


Topwomen said...

Your grandmother sounds like quite the gal!

Rhonda said...

Yes, she is quite the gal, that makes her even more special.

Anonymous said...

I love your grandma! I want to be like her when I get to be 85!!! She sounds like she knows what she wants and she surely lives the moment!