Saturday, January 28, 2006

Get your pride in order

Yesterday the son of one of my girlfriends walked into my house along with my sons. He had been having a discussion with them on his way in about his suspensions from school. He walked past his mom while passing the kitchen and said, "Mom, haven't I been suspended three times so far this year?" He said this with such pride, I couldn't believe it. I couldn't help but say outloud, "Hey dude, that is nothing to be proud of." He didn't say another word and continued walking to my boys' room. He had actually interrupted my conversation with his mother, and I never did get the details as to why he had been suspended.

My boys know that if they were to ever get suspended I would probably blow a gasket. Oh, and if it even did happen, I better NOT catch them bragging about it.

What goes on in these kids heads nowadays? Why are they so proud of their irresponsibility?


Matt said...

It doesn't sound like he got suspended for good reasons. If he was trying to protest a wrong-headed school policy and taking action to hopefully make the school and world he live in a better place, than he should rightfully be proud. Sounds like instead, he's just a delinquent.

Anonymous said...

I agree! Hopefully his family can put that pride of his in order, that's for sure!

Rhonda said...

Yes he is a deliquent, he drives me crazy. The only reason I let him even come around is because his mother grew up across the street from me and she is like family. She is a very nice person, so I guess you could say I tolerate him because of her. Trust me though, when he comes over I have no problem setting him straight when his mother overlooks things in my house.

Rhonda said...

Donna-I agree with you. My boys know very well how upset I would be, and how they WILL be disciplined if they ever get suspended. I am not one to deliver spankings, but I have other ways to make their lives miserable (of course usually keeping them in the house or bedroom is torture for them. My boys love to be outside playing with their friends. I don't expect perfection from my children, and they are not perfect, but they are not bad kids either. I do know that if I sit back and overlook things as if they are not important or a big issue, or give in just so that I don't have to listen to them I am making a big mistake. With three kids it seems like a constant thing keeping them in line, but I know that if I don't then down the line they won't have any respect for me and I will be in serious trouble trying to raise them. Sometimes it is really hard being single and the only one to dish out the discipline, but you just hold your ground and keep going. I'm sure you already know all of this, but there are so many parents out there that don't bother to discipline just because it is too much of a bother for them to do it. Isn't that a shame.

Topwomen said...

I wish I could say that my children were perfect and I was the perfect parent.Unfortunately we all have room for improvement. However, I would never let my children interrupt my adult conversation without consequences and NEVER be silent or passive about a school suspension.

I'm sure you've spoken to your kids about their relationship with this young man and they aren't ever to emulate his behavior. It also sounds like you're handling his discipline when his mother fails to in your home and I applaud you for that. It's your home and you my dear are the queen and the adult queen to boot. Sounds like this boy is in for a challenging life if he doesn't make a 180 soon. Sad.

Rhonda said...

rgmb-yes I find it hard to sit back and let children be disrespectful towards adults in my home. Trust me my kids have their moments where they try, but I set them straight and make them apologize to me and they do quickly. I will also correct a child for being disrespectful to their own parent in my house if they don't say anything. I'm not sure if that is my place, but if the parent allows it in my house I just can't help but say something. If they have a problem with it then in my opinion they need to take it elsewhere. If I were at their house and they did it, I would respect their house and them and not say anything, at that point it is their business not mine, but as you said I am the queen of this house and both should respect me.

Oh and also I have even told my children not to emulate family members, so I have no problem discussing other children's actions with them. They understand what the boy does that is inappropriate and they usually tell me, and we discuss it.

Topwomen said...

good for you r marie!

Rhonda said...

I hear that often, but I think many individuals that feel that they would not be able to just haven't had to. When some people are put in this situation, they would be amazed at how well they do. You find a way to accomplish the things that you need to.