Monday, January 16, 2006

Declaring her Independence for 1.2 seconds

My daughter was making cookies this afternoon. She did it by herself, but with a little bit of guidance from me. She was making the cookies about twice the size of what they should have been. I told her to make them smaller, she insisted that I do it for her. I did on the first batch, the second one she was on her own.

Daughter: "Mom, I don't care what you say about how big these cookies are, I'm going to make them my way, can you just come in here and look at them?" All in one sentence.

She declares her independence, then calls for mom to come to the rescue.


Matt said...

It's definitely true with our toddler. He has ways that he wants to do things, and we've learned that we're all much happier when he can try things out for himself, rather than us telling him how it should be done.

Rhonda said...

Donna-Yeah, I had to laugh to myself when she did it. You're glad when they are trying to do things on their own, proud of them growing into a young adult, but yet happy to know that they still need you.

Zataod-sometimes little ones are the ones with the biggest desire to do it one their own, or so it seems at times. You know what I mean, when they insist that they can hold their own spoon to eat their cereal. Of course at first it usually ends up all over the place, but hey you have to give them credit for trying.

Matt said...

R. Marie -- It thrills me that he is so strong willed about wanting to do certain things on his own. I know he has a ton to learn about how the world works, and he is determined to learn it by constant trial and error. He's like a scientist constantly running experiments on the world around him. As long as he isn't hurting himself, I encourage him to try things out.