Saturday, January 07, 2006

Book suggestions???

Since I have the next two months off of work I was thinking that I could make some time for some reading. I read often, but I usually read non-fiction. I was hoping to take some time to dive into some fictional stories. Does anyone have any suggestions on some good stories to pick up?

Actually my local library has a gigantic book sale next weekend. You can pick up paperbacks for a quarter and hard covers for fifty cents. I am always ready for a good deal!!! There is quite a selection too. They have this sale three times per year, and I try to attend each time.

So....since I am not so familiar with fictional books or good fictional writers, I would love to have a list of ones to look for while I am there next weekend. Feel free to give me your suggestions. I don't mind love stories, but I am not one for romance novels though.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

Thanks for the list, I'll be sure to try to look for them. I recently heard a good review about the Alchemist. Also I believe that I may have a copy of the Kite Runner already from another book sale. I certainly have enough books to keep me busy, but I would like to spend my free time taking in some books that are going to be good. Thanks again