Friday, January 13, 2006

Another year older

Birthday celebrations....aren't always the most exciting. Mine have never really been. I think that is partially because of my birthday following so closely behind Christmas.

The only mail I received yesterday was from my phone company. Wanting to thank me for adding a new service to my line.

My mom & nephew called to wish me a Happy Birthday, they always remember....they are sweethearts. As usual though my father didn't bother to say a word to me.

My kids always remember and try their best to make it special for me. They managed to hold out on giving me my presents until my actual birthday this year. They bought me some scrapbook supplies while they were with their father. The clock/butterfly stamp in the upper corner of this post was part of it. They also included some metal words from Making Memories, some Vellum "Quote Stacks" (home & family), and an embossing stamp pad. Along with all that, they got me this great card.

I did go out with my girlfriends for dinner, but we went out to celebrate one of their graduation from college. I didn't have the heart to bring up the fact that it was my birthday on her day. We did have a great time. They were the ones to make the plans, I just went along with whatever they decided. First we had planned it for 6 pm, but they called me the day before to change it to 4, which was fine with me. So I get to the restaurant about ten minutes to 4, and of course as usual I am the first one there. About a quarter after 4 I am sitting there wondering what is keeping them so long, then I realize who these two are. These girls are NEVER on time!! So I figured I'll at least get started and order an appetizer, spinach & artichoke dip with tortilla chips. Okay, now it's past 4:30 and I have pretty much devoured the dip. I'm beginning to wonder if I had been stood up by my girlfriends. Unfortunately my phone is out of order. Ever since last week I haven't been able to get it to charge. So I am not able to call them and check up on them, or them call me. So I still sit, wondering if I should just go ahead and order dinner and eat by myself or continue to wait. I decided to give it a little bit longer. Then what do you know, about 4:45 I see them pull into the parking lot. GEEZ, what am I going to do with these girls. They make the plans and I am the only one to make it even remotely close to the set time, like I said these girls are NEVER on time.

I had been sitting at the bar, so we moved over to a booth. We had good food, good conversation and lots of laughs. I found at that they rescheduled because one of them wanted to be home to watch the game, the Pistons & Spurs. Both of them are HUGE Pistons fans. It didn't take much, all it took was one drink to get the truth out of her, lol.

At one point I got up to go the the restroom. When I came back I wasn't paying much attention and I tried to sit down at the wrong table. They both realized what I was about to do, but went ahead and let me do it. You should have seen my reaction when I realized it. I looked terrified, my girlfriends couldn't stop laughing. They kept imitating me. Ha, ha, they are so funny.

After three hours of sitting there I finally headed home. It ended up not being such a bad birthday after all. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Oh Rhona! I'm sorry I missed your actual birthday!
Sending you many *virtual* hugs and wishes for a wonderful birth month! Remember, the celebration must last at least a month, LOL!

Rhonda said...

It's okay about missing it, I pretty much kept it a secret. Thanks for the wishes. I do have one great thing coming up this month. My friend from the Army that I mentioned a few posts back, is flying in to Chicago in a little over a week. There is a good chance that I might fly there for an overnighter to see him. Gosh it has been so many years since we have seen each other, I mean more than 15 years. So I am looking forward to that.

Matt said...

Happy Birthday from a fellow capricorn. I'm also the type of person who kind of keeps his birthday secret. A very small number of people knew it was my birthday this year, and that is the way I like it.

Topwomen said...

r.marie, happy birthday! I'm sorry I'm late!

Speaking of late, I'm like you, always the one to honor the plans made by others, then waiting, waiting waiting. Sounds like you had a nice time though.

Get that phone fixed!

Rhonda said...

Zataod, I knew that you were a capricorn, and I wanted to say something about your birthday, but since you had not brought it up I figured maybe you didn't want to talk about it. I was waiting for you to mention it. Happy belated to you also. It is funny I have no problem mentioning it through the year, but when it gets close I guess I don't want anyone to feel as if they have to get me anything so I begin to shut up about it as I get closer.

rgmb-I consider myself to be pretty flexible. I don't mind working around other's schedules. If I am not working, going to classes, or grocery shopping, I am usually at home with the kids, so I can be flexible. I have that "whatever" attitude. Were to eat? I don't care, wherever. What time? I don't care, whatever works for you is good. Most of the time I am just not picky about things. I kind of sound like a people pleaser, but that isn't me either. I mean I like to please people, but I don't do it just to please them, I really just don't care. Wow, I'm analyzing myself here. I also stated previously that I like to do things on a road well traveled. Order the same food, at the same restaurant, but this is what I do when I MAKE THE CHOICE, but I allow things to be very flexible with lots of options when I let someone else decide. Wow, take a stab at that, what do you think that says about the type of person that I am?

It is rare for me to be late for things. It's a respect thing. Time is precious, you should waste other's time by making them wait. Although I do know that my girlfriends respect me, I also realize that they just don't get it. But thats okay, I still love them, they respect me in so many other ways that I have to cut them some slack somewhere. We did have fun, it was worth the wait.

About my phone, I am too cheap to buy a new charger knowing that I have a spare here, I just can't remember where I put it. The search is on.

Matt said...

I've always been uncomfortable with any kind of self-promotion. Some people can go around stating it's their birthday and demanding that everyone shower them with love, affection, and attention. That's just not me.

Rhonda said...

I have never worked a birthday the entire almost 7 years that I have worked there. We throw birthday parties for everyone when their birthday comes. So I always joke around about how they luck out and always get out of mine, so I tell them that they owe me big time. Of course when it gets close I don't want to make them feel obligated and we are never working during it, so I keep quiet about it.