Monday, January 16, 2006

52 Figments #3

Week #3 for 52 Figments is:

Imagine having a conversation with yourself 20 years from now. What question do you ask?

Wow, what an awesome question to ponder!

If you've learned anything from me from reading my posts, you might be able to guess my answer. Since one of my biggest fears is dying old alone, I would have to say my question would be....Did I ever find my true love?

I'll work on creating a page for it, and post it as soon as I have it completed.


Matt said...

You could also flip this around. What would you have to say to yourself from 20 years ago?

20 years ago I thought I knew a lot and figured I was an adult. I've changed over those 20 years and have accumulated a little bit of wisdom over that time. Would this younger me even listen to what I have to say? Would he believe me? Or trust me? He might just think that I'm full of crap.

Rhonda said...

haha, good point. My first thought was to tell my younger self, at 17 years old, not to marry Chuck. Of course, then I realized that without him I never would have had the three children that I love so much. So I guess I'll have to come up with something else. I know, I don't regret going into the military so I wouldn't want to take that away, but I would have told myself to go to make sure that I went to college while I was in the military, before I had children. You're right though, would we have even listened?

Rhonda said...

Oh, and I probably would have told my younger self last weeks winning numbers for Mega Millions. YEAH BABY!!

Topwomen said...

Here's my question for myself:

"why did you blog?"

Rhonda said...

rgmb-what does make you blog?

Anonymous said...

Hi there!
Wow, I hadn't had a chance to check blogs this weekend and wow, you have tons of wonderful things posted! I'll come back again tonigh after work to read them all...but I just got to say I love that new on-line class you are sounds VERY inspiring! -And thanks so much for your comment on my friend's blog! You are a sweetheart! Thanks!

Matt said...

I sometimes thinking of blogging and other forms of writing as a way to communicate with my future self. There is no way that I will remember the details of my experience of the world 20 years from now. But if I write enough about it, I will be able to re-create some of those memories.

When I've read things I wrote 20 years ago, I've been surprised by what I've found.

Rhonda said...

Maria-not a problem, she needs a nice welcome into the blogging world.

Zataod-I know what you mean. I have read some things that I have written years ago also, papers for classes, letters to others, etc. I have every single letter that I received while in Desert Storm, many from perfect strangers. Nobody managed to save any that I wrote though *frown* I think I may have just a couple of them that I collected over the years. One I received many years after I came home in the mail. Apparently it was lost in an empty storage container, or so they thought it was empty. So years later it found it's way to my then husband.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's amazing that the letter made its way after many years was meant to be kept! I love to save my old journals...I agree with zataod's comment about it being a way to community to our "future self"...isn't that so true? I also keep all the letters and cards that people give to me. I have all the letters my dad ever mailed to me after I moved to the U.S. and now that he is gone I often re-read them and it is amazing how they always "speak" to me in different ways. They can always bring memories and remind me of just how wonderful my father was (and still is to me).

Rhonda said...

Maria-I know that you must be so happy that you saved those letters from your father.

mr. schprock said...

I think I'd ask, "Well, how did that slide rule and 8-track tape stock purchase do? Did they come back like we predicted?"

Rhonda said...

Mr. Schprock-I knew you had a sense of humor.