Sunday, November 20, 2005

Latest trip to scrapbooking store

Just a sampling of my latest trip to the store for some scrap- booking goodies.

I picked up these items on my shopping trip this weekend. My son of course wanted nothing to do with it. From the sounds of him you would have thought that it was killing him having to go shopping with me for scrapbook supplies. I didn't hear him complaining at any of the other stores. This was just pure torture for him.

Anyways, a love for scrapbooking can put a serious dent in your pocketbook, but worth it.


Topwomen said...

I see you've been stung by the spam comment bug. If it gets out of hand, try word verification (i think that's what it's called).

Yes, those scrapbooking items can be expensive. My daughter indulges in a few items from time to time.

Rhonda said...

Yeah the spam tends to come more on the weekends, not so much during the week. I just usually delete them, since I don't tend to get bombarded with them. I will think about the word verification though if it gets out of hand.

I have quite an extensive collection of scrapbooking supplies. It is just that I always feel the need to get the latest and greatest. Hey as I see it I could have worse addictions to spend my money on.

Topwomen said...

this is a good addiction, you're right