Sunday, November 27, 2005

The destruction of my wedding dress

This weekend I have emptied out my storage unit, and managed to part with some things that I have held on to for too many years. One of those things just happened to be my wedding dress from 15 years ago. The dress was ruined on my wedding night, but that didn't make me get rid of it. I am horrible with holding on to things with sentimental value. I have held on to the dress for the past 15 years. Half of those years I have been divorced. So what possessed me to keep it for so long? wasn't for me. I tend to collect things for my children, especially for my daughter. I hope that years down the road she will appreciate having it. I have even kept my wedding ring. Well....actually engagement ring, the wedding band is probably lying somewhere along a highway somewhere. Don't think I am too crazy for discarding it, it wasn't very expensive. We were both in the military when we had gotten married, and trust me they don't pay very well. Luckily I did have enough sense to keep the engagement ring. Although I did not trust myself enough to keep from tossing that out a window too, so I gave it to my mother-in-law to keep for my daughter when she gets old enough to have it herself. Again, the ring itself was not that impressive, but the sentimental value of having something from our marriage makes it priceless.

Off track I go again....back to the dress. Well today I have decided to ditch the dress. Before doing so I cut the dress into pieces, I know that sounds cruel, but I had my reasons. If I were not going to keep the dress in its entirety I can at least keep some of its pieces. I saved some of the most beautiful pieces of the dress, the lace, bead and sequins work. I gave one piece to my daughter, and the rest I am not sure what I will do with it, but I'm sure that I will find something special to do with it. I am sure part of it will make its way into my scrapbook.

Hey, at least I didn't totally destroy the dress.


Anonymous said...

You know, actually, I think thats wonderful. What it does is show how creative you are. I'm sure you will put the pieces to good use and I'm sure that will make you happy when you look back on it many years from now... instead of a fully bad memory. Awesome Marie!

oh yea... can' forget a joke...

An old guy goes to the doctor...

Doctor: I'm sorry to say that you've got cancer, and Alzheimer's disease.

Old patient: Well, at least I don't have cancer.


Rhonda said...

Not all of my memories of my marriage are bad. Although it has been many years since we broke up so I have had plenty of time to heal.

I can never remember jokes, so I don't have one to share with you, sorry.

So why don't you tell us a bit about Fred.

Anonymous said...

Ohh... you don't want to know about me.
