Monday, January 01, 2007


As I am sitting here eating a Snickers I am thinking about this year's resolution; to lose weight. I'm off to a pretty good start huh?


Matt said...

Nuts are a good source of protein and quite filling.

Happy 2007!!!

Rhonda said...

Zataod-Thanks!! BTW Happy Birthday and Happy New Year to you.

Anonymous said...

This year I didn't write any resolutions. I've been thinking a lot about change and its significance in life. I'm just going to wait and see how things unfold this year. I would love to be able to take action on some old dreams of mine, just not sure how to really go about that. Specially with such limited time I have...which reminds me I better get back to work now. Just wanted to drop by and say hi.

Rhonda said...

Maria-I think a lot about change also. Especially as I get older I seem to be more concerned about where my life is going, as far as what I really want out of life. You know about the things that really matter to me. Something else that I have thought about lately is how different people are from each other. I think way too much.

Hopefully you have an awesome year! Thanks for checking in on me.

Matt said...

Shh -- The birthday thing is a secret.