Friday, January 19, 2007

Home alone, well I might as well be

Another relaxing night at home. My niece convinced my boys to stay the night over her house. Usually I let her stay here on most weekends, but this weekend I told her no, so she decided to have the boys go to her house instead. My daughter decided to come home and crash out on her bed. I tried to wake her up, I told her that it was a girls night alone. She made an attempt to wake up, but hasn't budged yet. So I guess that leaves me all alone, with Law & Order and the computer.

I had plans to have dinner with a friend of mine, but he ended up having to work later than expected so we changed our plans for tomorrow. Instead, after a dose of Law & Order, I'll think I'll crawl into bed a little early and start reading my book "Under The Banner of Heaven." It is this month's choice for my book club that I just joined. Not that it is my usual type of reading, but sometimes there is nothing wrong with straying from the usual.

Did I mention that I just started my new term of school. Which is good, because with working, and no school to keep me busy, I've been feeling like I had too much time on my hands. This term I am taking Physical Anthropology, Geography & Biology. I think the Physical Anthropology will be interesting to me, but the professor talks soooooo slow that I am somewhat annoyed. I want to say "spit it out" but of course I wouldn't be that rude. Hopefully she gets a bit more exciting as the class goes on.

Well time for me to get back to my Law & Order.


Anonymous said...

I'm so behing on reading your blog....I promise I'll get back on track, LOL. Time is never enough for all the things I want to do, I tell ya. I'll be back tonight to catch up.

Rhonda said...

Maria, don't feel bad, you're not the only one that doesn't have time to read my blog. I haven't had much time either to work on it. Hopefully things will slow down in a bit. Lots of good stuff going on in my life.

Just Me Again said...

It's always good when it is good stuff that keeps us from the computer, LOL :) Hope you have been doing lots of cool things lately considering it's been a while since your last post...