Monday, January 15, 2007

Shall We Dance?

Today was a good, productive day.

Right now I am sitting here watching Shall We Dance? Starring Richard Gere, Jennifer Lopez and Susan Sarandon. They just played the scene where John's (Richard Gere) wife (Susan Sarandon) asked the private investigator why people get married. She said, maybe not in these exact words, that people marry because they want a witness to their life. They want someone to tell them that they will be remembered. That rings so true with me. Why I want someone to share my life with. Let me remind you that I am very single at the moment, but that doesn't mean that I don't fantasize about finding that special someone. When I think about my own death, the first thing I think about is that I'll grow old without sharing my life with anyone. To me this is so sad.

Okay enough about that. I'm feeling good right now, no sense it bringing myself down.

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