Monday, October 30, 2006

Gotta love grandma!

Update: My grandmother asked my parents if we made it home from Florida the other day. This is good, that means that even with all the drugs she really did realize that we were there for her. That was important to me.

Also my dad asked her if he could bring in her hairdresser to do her hair, thinking that maybe it would make her feel better (grandma always has her hair & nails done). She looked at him and said, "No I don't want my hair done, shut up Bobby!" This was a good thing also, you have to know my grandmother to appreciate it.

Also my grandmother loves her sweets, so every day they have been bringing in a sundae for her to enjoy. SWEET!


I have to admit that I am extremely pleased everytime someone is shocked when I tell them how old I am and they can't believe it. The response is always "you look so young." Usually it is when I tell them that I have a 14 year old daughter and they assume that I had my daughter in my early teens, when I actually had her a few months before my 24th birthday. So yes I am proud to admit my age, because with age hopefully comes some wisdom, but without the physical signs of aging.

The only problem with this is that it makes think that one day I am going to wake up and look in the mirror to see the older woman that I am. It will all catch up with me one day, I'm sure. Until then I should accept the compliments as they come, but know the reality that my future has in store for me.

I guess I am especially concerned since most of my family looks their age or older. My father has aged considerably over the past several years (of course alcohol and cigarettes help the process). I am amazed at how much he has aged. It took him some time before he started to show the signs of aging, but then it seemed to just hit him like a ton of bricks. Although as I had said before my grandmother has aged beautifully, hopefully I'll follow in her footsteps.

This post maybe makes me appear a bit obsessed about my appearance, but I really wouldn't say that. I sound like a woman that spends her day in the mirror applying her makeup and fixing her hair to perfection, but I am far from that type. I usually apply my makeup in the car, and I'm lucky to put it on once a day. I do make exceptions when I go out on a date or maybe to a club, but trips to the library, bookstore, school etc. require little if any makeup at all. My hair is wash & go (with the exception of coloring) and my usual attire is a pair of jeans and a t-shirt/sweatshirt.

I usually only think about aging when someone brings it up to me, such as last night. That is what prompted this post.

I also read an article about women's views of growing older. This article states that women's ideas of aging gracefully are no longer defined by looks alone. I can say that even though I am apprehensive about my appearance with aging, I feel that in many ways I am embracing the age process itself. I often think about what life will be like in the years to come. I am even somewhat excited about the experiences that I will be able to have when my children are older. I look forward to being able to travel more, anywhere that I desire. Experiencing whatever appeals to me without having to worry about the time I spend away from my children. Being a single mom has kept me from doing things that I would like to do (don't get me wrong I DO NOT regret having my children). I just have to try to keep a balance that will allow me to be there for myself and my children. The last thing I want to do is make them feel that I have not been there for them. They are my priority now, my turn will come later. I'll be patient.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

A small view into different cultures

Have I mentioned that I have a really cool Anthropology class? It is Anthropology: Urban Life & Culture. We get to experience different cultures and lifestyles in and around the Detroit area. Nearly all of our classes take place outside of the classroom, and instead are done as field work. My professor has been teaching this class since 1970, and let me tell you he is quite the character. I can really appreciate this class because I get to experience the practices of many different cultures that I probably never may have experienced otherwise. Such as today, I am going to view/experience a ceremony/feast at a Hindu Temple. I think I'll find this very interesting, although they are vegetarians and I am not, so I am not sure how the feast will go for me. Also within the next three days I have the opportunity to chose one of those days to attend The Days of the Dead Folks in MexicanTown East & West. This should be interesting also, it is the mexican form of our Memorial Day, although I think that there is much more to their holiday than to ours. Typically ours consist of a parade, cemetary visits, and usually some sort of picnic or bar-b-que. They take an interesting view of this holiday.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Military educational benefits shouldn't expire

I said that I wasn't going to let the little stuff get to me. Such as the other day before the beginning of one of my classes there was a discussion with fellow classmates about the Montgomery GI Bill. This was before my Economics class and I can't recall what actually brought the subject up.

During the conversation I stated that I didn't feel that there should be an expiration date on the GI Bill. As it is, or at least was, is that the GI Bill expired ten years after a soldier's last date of military service. Which for me expired in 2001. Then a guy in the back of the room made a remark that totally shocked me. He stated that "if you haven't used it in ten years then you probably would never use it." So he felt that if after the first ten years you didn't use it then chances are you probably never would. GRRRR! This really bothered me, so I blurted out, "you obviously have no experience with life." I think the guy in the seat behind me knew exactly how I would react because he smiled at me. First off the guy in the back is extremely annoying. He tries to take over the classroom every time, and he obviously has nothing else to do at work besides read the news, or surf the web, because he thinks he knows everything. So far the rest of us have bitten our tongues, but it is just getting to be too much. I paid to take a class and listen to my professor teach, not listen to him all day. If he wants to get into discussions with the professor about subjects other than economics he should maybe meet up with him for coffee and donuts one day, otherwise he needs to just shut up. YES I am venting here, I shouldn't have taken his comments personally, but I did.

Okay, back to the subject at hand, the GI Bill. My point is that not everyone gets out of the military and decides to jump into college, especially fulltime. Life goes on, we get married, we have children, we get jobs. Not only that, some of us don't even realize the importance of an education until later in life. Maybe we have a job that pays well, but end up losing the job, then we have to consider other options. Wow, maybe going back to school is an option. Or maybe it is just as simple as the fact that we enjoy learning and what is wrong with being a lifetime learner? Maybe taking a few classes here and there is just something that we find appealing.

One thing that I did learn in my Economics class was that many parents here in Michigan have never really believed that you have to have a college education. Of course this is compared to other states. You see, many Michiganians have been employed by the Big Three, or their parents are/were employed and they did fine financially without an education. You didn't need an education to work in a factory. Well I can't say that in my particular case the automotive industry had an impact on my parents decision to encourage/or not encourage me to go to college. You see in my family I am the only one to attend college out of my parents generation/my generation. My father quit school in 12th grade to go to Viet Nam, while my mother did not finish because her mother died when she was young and she had to raise her siblings. My sister has a learning disability so she struggled in school and never completed high school. So the point I am making is that college was mentioned here and there as I was growing up, but this was rare. I don't remember being encouraged, or prepared for a college education. My decision to get an education was pretty much my own decision, and I didn't make this decision until after I did my four years of military service, marriage and the birth of my first child. These things put a halt to my dreams of an education, well maybe not a halt, but I did have to put them off for a bit.

So here I am now, fifteen years after my last day in the military, and still working on my education. Do I feel that I should be eligible for those military benefits? Yes! What happens if I do end up laid off permanently from the automotive industry? Shouldn't I be able to use those benefits for help me out with getting another job? Yes! Should I not be allowed a tuition paid education because my life didn't follow an ideal path? As much as we would like our lives to be perfect they never are, but that doesn't mean that we should give up, right?

Isn't it better for the economy to have a better educated work force. More educated individuals lead to more jobs being created, to improving our production possibilities, to having more money available to spend on products & services, to lowering our unemployment rate, which even leads to lower crime rates. Why wouldn't the government want to leave these educational options open. This I don't understand, so maybe if someone out there has an idea please clue me in.

For those of you that don't know, during the first year of the military we have the option to invest a certain portion into the G.I. Bill. The rest of the money is provided by the military. So what in fact happens is that if you don't use up the benefits within the ten year timeframe, you lose all the money that you invested.

Now all of this is based on my experience with the G.I. Bill. It is possible that the bill has been modified since 2001 when mine expired. I'm hoping that it has changed. Actually I am a member of the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) so I imagine that this is probably a topic that I could look into more deeply. Maybe I will.

Friday, October 27, 2006

My serious side

I was just browsing through some of my old posts. I have realized that my blog makes me appear much more serious than I am. Well it isn't that I am not serious, I do have a serious side, but it seems that I don't express my other side very often. I don't see much of my sense of humor when I read my blog. I think my sense of humor is one of the best assests of my personality. If you look closely at my pictures you'll see that I have "crow's feet" or what I prefer to call "laugh lines." God gave me a smile, and I use it often. I guess this blog is just a place for me to express my more serious thoughts, I'll leave the laughter for life.

Remember those that are special to you

Last December I created a heritage journal for a present for my paternal grandmother. She is my only living grandparent, and nearly two weeks ago she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. They estimated that she would live another week, especially since she had not eaten anything during the five days prior to her diagnosis. So far she has made it nearly a week past the week they have given her.

Of course the day that she was diagnosed both my sister and I gathered up our children and drove from Michigan to Florida to see her. She has pancreatic cancer and she is on pain meds so I'm not even sure she realized that we were there. I could only stay a week because I had to get my children back to school.

I remember when my grandfather died ten years ago they had given him a week to live also. My father called me on a Saturday, and I had to work that day so I said that I would work that shift, get the kids ready and drive up to see him the very next morning. Well he ended up dying that night, so I never did get to see him. So you see, I realize that doctor's don't have a crystal ball, and they can only guess as to how long a person actually has left. Unfortunately in my case it was much short than expected, he died less than 12 hours after that phone call. So that is why I didn't waste any time going to see my grandmother. I didn't want to be too late again. Then of course all the regrets I have for not being able to spend more time with her crept up.

Well I wanted to write this because if there is anyone out there that has been putting off seeing someone that they love that is getting older, please don't continue to put it off. Call them, pay them a visit, don't be afraid to let them know how you feel before it is too late.

I must have known something because last Christmas I took my children to Florida to see her, and I created that book for her. She cried when she received it. I think it really meant a lot to her. I'm glad that I didn't put it off, I'm glad I took the time to make something special for someone special in my life. I couldn't have asked for a better grandmother.

Nature's beauty

I had a beautiful experience this morning while I was taking my children to school. As we turned into the school parking lot we noticed that the field next to it was covered with what seemed to be hundreds of white seagulls. Actually we were on the road that travelled around the high school to the middle school that my children attend. While we drove along this short stretch of road the birds took off into flight. As these birds spread their wings and began to fly they surrounded the entire car. There were so many birds that it was as if we were wrapped within a white blanket that was being lifted into the air. For a moment it felt as if we were flying with along with them. Then they drifted apart and we continued along our short stretch of road to the school. It was small, but it just goes to show how much beauty there is in the world, all you have to do it look.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Life happens doesn't it?

I have so much on my mind lately that I want to discuss, but I just can't seem to find the right person to talk to. I might just end up venting here, but right now I have to study for my Spanish test that I will have this weekend. Unfortunately I have not even opened my book during the past few weeks. Things have happened lately that have caused me to become preoccupied with things other than my studies. Maybe I'll get the chance to open up a bit later, for now I need to get busy.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

How to shut a woman up

In the late eighties I had a disagreement with my best friend at the time, James. This was while I was still in the Army, and we were sitting in the messhall. Whatever the disagreement was about doesn't really matter, which is good because I can't even remember what it was about. What I remember was how quickly he managed to shut me up with just one simple sentence. He looked me straight in the eyes with this dead serious look and said to me, "Comb your eyebrows." I can only imagine the look on my face. I was so shocked by this sentence that I could not utter another word, he left me of all people speechless. Of course he was probably right, that was back in the day when I didn't know what a pair of tweezers were, let alone that a woman could have her eyebrows waxed. I didn't learn these things growing up because my mother was the type to rarely wear makeup let alone remove any unwanted facial hair. Then again if you remember anything about the eighties or Brooke Shields and her overgrown eyebrows it was probably the in thing. Who knows, thank goodness I eventually learned to tame the wild beasts, and of course nowadays I can look back on it and laugh. Now that I think about it I should probably tell him that, you know as men age they tend to have hair that gets out of control. You know on their backs, out of their ears, and over their eyes you might find something that resembles two caterpillers.

Life & the diet rollercoaster

Well I have another four weeks off of work. Since I have gained some weight over the past year with all the time off my plan is to start working on losing some...tomorrow! So tonight I am sitting here enjoying a bowl of Captain Crunch cereal before I have to limit myself tomorrow. I am feeling some motivation so maybe I'll do okay this time. One thing that has always motivated me while trying to lose weight is to get a daily dose of reading that includes healthy eating and exercise. I knew there was a reason I saved all of those fitness magazines. Wish me luck!

As I said in my last post I have been very busy lately, and I am still busy but I decided to take some time to relax tonight. Tomorrow is another day, and I can get some stuff done then, for now I need to relax and enjoy. I was supposed to go to a haunted house with my girlfriends this past Friday the 13th, but instead I opted to work 16 hours. I figured with the four weeks off I could use the overtime, anyways it was my last day of work. Oh in case you were wondering I work on an assemblyline so when I say I worked, I mean I worked. As a matter of fact a guy I know came over to tell me that I looked like shit. I said, "Thanks, just what I needed to hear." Then of course he tried to clean it up by saying "Well working 16 hours you're expected to look like shit, and anyways you know you are pretty as hell." Well I don't know that, but I was glad he cleaned it up. Although I had walked past the mirror when I went to the bathroom and I thought the exact same thing to myself. Of course at that moment in the bathroom I could have cared less. I was just hoping that I would have the energy to make it the rest of the evening. Well I wasn't so worried about making it to the end of the shift as I was about making the ride home afterwards. It takes me about an hour to get home, and I didn't get off until eleven. Maybe this doesn't sound too bad, but my usual bedtime is around nine o'clock. Obviously I made it home and I am fine.

Lets see....what else is new. I bought tickets last night to take my daughter and her friend to see Panic at the Disco in concert. She is a good girl, and it is her favorite band, so I decided to go ahead and take her. It will be her first concert, unless you count the Trans Siberian Orchestra.

OH, how could I forget....HOW ABOUT THOSE TIGERS?

Congratulations for making it to the World Series! GO TIGERS!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Life has been extremely busy the past two weeks. Tomorrow will finally be a day that I can catch up on housework and get some rest. I did a ton of things this weekend. Friday night I went to see The Texas Chainsaw Massacre at the latenight movies. Unless you just love gore I wouldn't recommend this movie. I went to go see it with my girlfriends, we were building up for this weekend when we are suppose to go to a haunted house. This haunted house supposedly pays $250 to anyone that can make it all the way through. Although the closer it gets the more I am considering backing out. Not that I am chicken or anything, just that I am so exhausted from everything that I have been doing the past week. It isn't near my house either, it is at least an hour away. I guess I'll see how I feel this weekend.

Also I went to the 99.5 WYCD Birthday Bash at DTE this past weekend. The headliners were Dwight Yokam and Clint Black, also performing were Gary Nichols and The Bombshells. They also had at least three other local bands performing, sorry I can't mention them because I can't remember their names.

Sunday night I went back for my country line dance lessons. I actually think that I might have a couple down.

Then Monday and tonight are class nights. I thought I was going to have a free night last night, but my daughter is in pep band and there was a game last night. I really need entire day off because my laundry is growing. Unfortunately I won't have that tomorrow because I do have to work, but I'll have tomorrow evening to catch up on things.

Then after this week I'll be off of work for probably another four weeks. I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to get stuff accomplished then. I think I can hang in there.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Hootie Hoot!

Hootie Hoot! I actually made it to the country line dance lessons, and I must say that I sucked. Of course that doesn't stop me from making another attempt next week. When I told my daughter that I was going to go she asked me who I was going with. I told her that I was going alone. She said "Boy you're brave to go alone and not know anyone." She should know by now that I have done many things alone. I have been single for a long time. I go to the movies, out to dinner and just about anything else alone. If I didn't I would probably never get out. Not that I don't have the opportunity to go with others, but sometimes it is just easier this way. Anyways, it was a good time, and I am going again next week. The good thing about taking classes like this is that you're not alone there are always others there in the same situation as you. It makes it easier to strike up a conversation with others, not that I have any trouble with starting up a conversation with anyone. I've been blessed with the gift of gab.

I just finished talking with my neighbor and she is going to go with me next week. I think she needs to get out. She is recently divorced and has four children, she needs some fun.

Now all I need to do is buy me some shit kickers. It is kind of hard to dance in tennis shoes.

Life ain't too bad is it?

What's happening with me?

Lets see...

1. I've known this for some time now, but it is time to stop putting it off. I must stop sitting around so much, I am putting on the pounds. I have had more time off in the past two years than I need. This work a couple of weeks, have a couple off is really getting to me. As much as it sounds great to have the time off, when you are use to having your life a certain way it actually sounds better than it is. I mean first off, I usually am much happier when I have a busy schedule. There isn't enough time to worry about things that might be bothersome. Well unfortunately lately I have had more than enough time to think about things that bother me. Gaining weight is on the top of my list right now. I know it is my own fault, nobody but the extra pounds on me but myself. I considered joining a gym, but I quickly expelled that thought out of my mind. The last time I did that I paid like $300 for the initial fee, then something like $69 per month. It was a really nice gym, and it would have been worth it if I were the type to go there faithfully. Of course that would take too much of my time away from home, I already spend enough when I do work and with school. The original plan was for me to go before work since it is open 24 hours a day, but there was no way that I was going to crawl out of bed to exercise without a drill sergeant standing over me. I gave all of that up after basic training. Although joining the military was one way to motivate me into physical activity. Well since I don't see me enlisting in the military, nor do I expect Oprah to offer me her personal trainer free of charge, so it looks as if I am on my own. I guess my Billy Blanks Tae Bo tapes are going to have to be a start for now.

2. Classes are going well, but I have been struggling a bit with my Spanish. I'm still getting good grades, it is just that when the professor asks me something in Spanish I give him a puzzled look as if I am wondering what the hell he just asked me. Which I probably am, acutally I don't think the problem is me understanding him, it is I've been too slow to figure out a correct response. I think because I am getting good test scores he thinks that I know what I am doing, but he has no clue does he? My other problem is that when he gives dictation I can't quite catch all of the words that he is saying. Maybe it is because his native tongue is Spanish, so with his accent and with him speaking so quickly it blows right over my head. I'm working on it though. Hell sometimes I have enough trouble speaking English. My ex-husband use to make fun of me because I always called Elvis, Alvis. I know that he is Elvis, but I still insist on calling him Alvis.

3. A favorite past time of mine was country dancing. This of course was years ago, like nearly 20 years ago. I was stationed in the south (Louisiana, Texas) for about 7 years. I learned how to line dance, two-step, polka, waltz while I was down there. Of course now the only thing that I can do is stand along the dance floor and watch everyone else. I think part of is has to do with the part of the country I am in. In Michigan you pretty much have to be a professional to be on the floor, well at least that is how they make you feel. As a matter of fact, most of what they do is line dancing. I wonder if they even know how to two-step. I recently went to visit a friend in Oklahoma and pretty much everyone was out there dancing whether they could or not. I like that, and I miss it. Actually way back I was pretty good, of course things have changed so much that I am embarrassed to even get out there, except to do the Hustle, but who can't do the Hustle? So tonight I am going to take some line dance lessons at a local country bar. I've been wanting to do it for some time, so I think I'll start tonight. Well at least that is my plan at the moment, ask me tomorrow if I went or not. Maybe a couple of lessons and I'll be out there tearing up the dance floor myself.

4. Tomorrow I get to take a trip to downtown Detroit to Mexican Town with my Anthropology class (Urban culture & lifestyles). One of the many trips that I will be going on. Maybe I'll have one of my favorite drinks "Tequila Sunrise." This is a very cool class because our classes don't actually take place in a classroom setting, but instead in field environments. VERY COOL! Oh I should be finishing up my Liberal Arts/General Studies degrees next semester. Maybe, I might actually be one credit short, which means I will have to take one more class the following semester. Either way it will be soon, then I am off to complete my Psychology degree. I know, I know everyone says that there is no money is Psychology but I'm old enough to realize that it isn't all about money, it is about how happy I will be in the job I am in. My kids will be heading out the door, so I will only have myself to support. Since we all know that I am going to be single forever right? haha, sometimes it feels that way, but my dating issues are another subject and we don't have that much time to discuss it.

Wow life really isn't too bad for me. It seems my biggest problem is the fact that I need to lose some weight. Not too bad.