My son Jason was telling me about a field trip that was going to happen at school.
Jason: "Yeah mom, they want all the parents to go. They get to watch the movie for free, but they have to pay for the CONFESSION stand."
Mom: "Do you mean concession stand?"
Daughter listening to conversation and of course putting in her two cents.
Daughter: "That sounds like something they would have at a church carnival."
Of course knowing all along what he meant, but couldn't resist poking fun at her little brother.
Ha, Ha, gotta love those kids.
A Tequila Sunrise consists of 1 1/2 oz. of Tequila, orange juice and a trickle of grenadine. This blog consists of everything that creates....ME. Cheers!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Christmas spirit

Oh yeah, Christmas is here!!!
Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year. I love decorating and the Christmas spirit. I love shopping during the holidays with the exception of Black Friday. I refuse to go out on this morning, although I have no problem going on Thanksgiving day. As a matter of fact, I went this Thanksgiving morning and got some awesome deals for my gift giving. I hate cold weather, but I love to look at the snow as I am sitting in my warm house looking out the window.
Above is a picture of my Christmas tree I just finished putting up today. The Santa is one of the ones from my collection. I have been collecting at least one every year. Since I love to save a buck I tend to buy them the day after Christmas when they have more great deals.
The destruction of my wedding dress
This weekend I have emptied out my storage unit, and managed to part with some things that I have held on to for too many years. One of those things just happened to be my wedding dress from 15 years ago. The dress was ruined on my wedding night, but that didn't make me get rid of it. I am horrible with holding on to things with sentimental value. I have held on to the dress for the past 15 years. Half of those years I have been divorced. So what possessed me to keep it for so long? wasn't for me. I tend to collect things for my children, especially for my daughter. I hope that years down the road she will appreciate having it. I have even kept my wedding ring. Well....actually engagement ring, the wedding band is probably lying somewhere along a highway somewhere. Don't think I am too crazy for discarding it, it wasn't very expensive. We were both in the military when we had gotten married, and trust me they don't pay very well. Luckily I did have enough sense to keep the engagement ring. Although I did not trust myself enough to keep from tossing that out a window too, so I gave it to my mother-in-law to keep for my daughter when she gets old enough to have it herself. Again, the ring itself was not that impressive, but the sentimental value of having something from our marriage makes it priceless.
Off track I go again....back to the dress. Well today I have decided to ditch the dress. Before doing so I cut the dress into pieces, I know that sounds cruel, but I had my reasons. If I were not going to keep the dress in its entirety I can at least keep some of its pieces. I saved some of the most beautiful pieces of the dress, the lace, bead and sequins work. I gave one piece to my daughter, and the rest I am not sure what I will do with it, but I'm sure that I will find something special to do with it. I am sure part of it will make its way into my scrapbook.
Hey, at least I didn't totally destroy the dress. wasn't for me. I tend to collect things for my children, especially for my daughter. I hope that years down the road she will appreciate having it. I have even kept my wedding ring. Well....actually engagement ring, the wedding band is probably lying somewhere along a highway somewhere. Don't think I am too crazy for discarding it, it wasn't very expensive. We were both in the military when we had gotten married, and trust me they don't pay very well. Luckily I did have enough sense to keep the engagement ring. Although I did not trust myself enough to keep from tossing that out a window too, so I gave it to my mother-in-law to keep for my daughter when she gets old enough to have it herself. Again, the ring itself was not that impressive, but the sentimental value of having something from our marriage makes it priceless.
Off track I go again....back to the dress. Well today I have decided to ditch the dress. Before doing so I cut the dress into pieces, I know that sounds cruel, but I had my reasons. If I were not going to keep the dress in its entirety I can at least keep some of its pieces. I saved some of the most beautiful pieces of the dress, the lace, bead and sequins work. I gave one piece to my daughter, and the rest I am not sure what I will do with it, but I'm sure that I will find something special to do with it. I am sure part of it will make its way into my scrapbook.
Hey, at least I didn't totally destroy the dress.
The other day I went to a parenting class offered by my kids' school. They invited a parenting expert to talk to us. She was pretty interesting and made the evening fun.
Before leaving for the class one of my sons came up to me and told me that I was a great parent and that I didn't need to go. How sweet of him, but I think that any parent that thinks they are perfect needs to think again. I believe that there can always be room for improvement especially as your child enters new age groups and new issues arise. There may even be some things that you already know, but you just need to be refreshed and motivated. Then again maybe you are perfect, and if that is the case I am sure that you may have something valuable that you can share with the group.
Part of the problem with today's children, not enough parents want to step up and take their parental roles seriously.
Before leaving for the class one of my sons came up to me and told me that I was a great parent and that I didn't need to go. How sweet of him, but I think that any parent that thinks they are perfect needs to think again. I believe that there can always be room for improvement especially as your child enters new age groups and new issues arise. There may even be some things that you already know, but you just need to be refreshed and motivated. Then again maybe you are perfect, and if that is the case I am sure that you may have something valuable that you can share with the group.
Part of the problem with today's children, not enough parents want to step up and take their parental roles seriously.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Twas the night before Thanksgiving
I'm sitting here watching Christmas with the Kranks with the kids. Thinking about all the work I have to do tomorrow for Thanksgiving dinner. I haven't been doing much blogging lately. Lots to talk about just haven't had the energy to do it.
Anyways, if anyone is reading HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
Anyways, if anyone is reading HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Latest trip to scrapbooking store

I picked up these items on my shopping trip this weekend. My son of course wanted nothing to do with it. From the sounds of him you would have thought that it was killing him having to go shopping with me for scrapbook supplies. I didn't hear him complaining at any of the other stores. This was just pure torture for him.
Anyways, a love for scrapbooking can put a serious dent in your pocketbook, but worth it.
My weekend
My weekend plans didn't exactly go the way that I had planned them to, but it still ended up being a nice weekend.
My intentions were to go to the tree lighting ceremony in Detroit, but never made it. Actually I thought it was suppose to be on Saturday, but ended up being Friday night instead. So instead I took the kids to dinner, then to see the new Harry Potter movie.
This was our conversation before the show....
Daughter: "Okay mom, this time don't fall asleep in the middle of the movie."
Me: "What? I feel asleep during the last movie?" (last Harry Potter movie)
Daughter: "YEAH! Then you bought us the movie over the summer and were all surprised when we told you that we had already seen it WITH YOU."
Obviously I am not a Harry Potter fan, and trust me, it took everything I had not to fall asleep during this one. I should probably let you know that my bedtime is usually 9 pm, so I was ready to crash. The movie was like almost 3 hours long, geez!! The kids liked the movie though, so don't take my opinion about it.
Well that was my Friday night. Saturday morning I got up and took Joey shopping with me. The other two stayed with my nephew. I probably did more shopping than I should have, but I got some great deals especially for Christmas. Then last night I had a date with Todd. Usually we go out, but last night we decided to stay home and watch a movie and order a pizza. I ate two slices of pizza and lasted about twenty minutes into the movie and was out. I'm such a great date.
Sidenote: I'm just sitting here and watching my daughter. She is becoming quite obsessed with my Time magazines. She use to read my sister's celebrity magazines, but since I don't read them or keep them around she has now focused on my magazines. I just think it is funny to have my 13 year old running around saying, "mom where is that Time magazine, I had it ready to take to school, I wanted to read it and it disappeared." Yeah it disappeared into my bookbag so that I could take it to work and read it. Not like I actually get any reading time at work, but I take it just in case the opportunity arises.
Anyways, my weekend was the most exciting, but still came out pretty good. As for now I think I am off to the video store to get a movie or two.
Hope you're having a great weekend.
My intentions were to go to the tree lighting ceremony in Detroit, but never made it. Actually I thought it was suppose to be on Saturday, but ended up being Friday night instead. So instead I took the kids to dinner, then to see the new Harry Potter movie.
This was our conversation before the show....
Daughter: "Okay mom, this time don't fall asleep in the middle of the movie."
Me: "What? I feel asleep during the last movie?" (last Harry Potter movie)
Daughter: "YEAH! Then you bought us the movie over the summer and were all surprised when we told you that we had already seen it WITH YOU."
Obviously I am not a Harry Potter fan, and trust me, it took everything I had not to fall asleep during this one. I should probably let you know that my bedtime is usually 9 pm, so I was ready to crash. The movie was like almost 3 hours long, geez!! The kids liked the movie though, so don't take my opinion about it.
Well that was my Friday night. Saturday morning I got up and took Joey shopping with me. The other two stayed with my nephew. I probably did more shopping than I should have, but I got some great deals especially for Christmas. Then last night I had a date with Todd. Usually we go out, but last night we decided to stay home and watch a movie and order a pizza. I ate two slices of pizza and lasted about twenty minutes into the movie and was out. I'm such a great date.
Sidenote: I'm just sitting here and watching my daughter. She is becoming quite obsessed with my Time magazines. She use to read my sister's celebrity magazines, but since I don't read them or keep them around she has now focused on my magazines. I just think it is funny to have my 13 year old running around saying, "mom where is that Time magazine, I had it ready to take to school, I wanted to read it and it disappeared." Yeah it disappeared into my bookbag so that I could take it to work and read it. Not like I actually get any reading time at work, but I take it just in case the opportunity arises.
Anyways, my weekend was the most exciting, but still came out pretty good. As for now I think I am off to the video store to get a movie or two.
Hope you're having a great weekend.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
What a day!!
I woke up as usual at 5 am for work. My workday went fine, just a typical day at work. I called on my way home from work and told the kids and my nephew to be ready so that we could go to dinner and the mall. When I got home they jumped into the car and off we went. We had Chinese for dinner. I tried to convince Joey that I didn't have any money for dinner so he needed to pick up the tab. He didn't fall for it though.

My fortune read: "A smile is nearly always inspired by another smile."
After dinner we hit the mall. Approximately five minutes into our shopping spree (daughter & myself were at Maurices) a woman came over the loud speaker "TORNADO WARNING, ALL CUSTOMERS PLEASE GO TO ELDER-BEERMAN." Actually at that point we couldn't hear what she was saying, but a younger boy that looked to be about sixteen years old repeated it to his mother. She looked at him like she didn't believe him and went back to shopping. I of course was being nosey. Right after that shoppers began walking briskly past the doors. Of course this peaked my curosity, so I had to walk out to get the scoop. The kid was actually telling the truth. A security guard was trying to gather up all of the shoppers and head them into the right direction.
Now this was great!! My boys took off with my eighteen year old nephew. We didn't go where we were suppose to, we took off to find the boys. My daughter started freaking out. Isn't it funny how siblings act like they hate each other. You have no idea how many times she has told me that I should have stopped having children after her. As I have always suspected she had been lying. She was in tears as we looked around for them, saying "mom, we have to find them." Finally we ended up finding everyone (as soon as they saw us they started running) then we headed for Elder Beerman.
A torando coming wasn't about to ruin MY shopping experience. I continued to shop, I was just limited to the confines of this particular department store. Better this than a KB Toys, although the kids would have loved that. Of course Jason said, "Why couldn't we be stuck in a Radio Shack?" I thought this took about thirty minutes, but the kids said that it was more like an hour (from about 6-7pm). I guess I was preoccupied, you know how a woman can be while shopping.
Finally they gave the all clear so we wandered out to the rest of the mall. The boys got some toys, my daughter a sweatshirt from American Eagle and I ended up with a few ornaments for my Christmas tree.
Finally about 8:30 pm we left the mall and headed home. Driving home my daughter was sitting in the back seat and heard a faint noise, she said, "What is that noise?" I was too busy talking to my mom on my cell phone (yes, while I was driving in the rain). A few miles up the road we heard it again, this time not nearly as faint. We realized that it was the tornado siren again. Damn it!! I just left that about two hours ago, don't tell me another one. We were driving out in the boonies so it was dark as heck out. We could not have seen a tornado coming if it was. My kids then started freaking out. We just happened to be driving past a police department, so to calm them down we stopped to find out what was going on. The officer said that a small tornado was sighted in Monroe (where we had just left). He said that we were welcome to stay in the community center and wait, but we decided to go home. I gave them the speech though..."if you guys see any cows flying through the air, let me know, I'll stop the car and we can all jump in the ditch and take cover." ;)
Well that was about it for our excitement for the night, but let me end with just this one memory from my childhood.
I remember when I was in junior high we had a girlfriend staying the night. My parents woke everyone up in the middle of the night because of a tornado warning. They got everyone out of bed and into the car to go to the nearest shelter. My dad pulled the car out of the driveway, drove around the corner then said, "Where's Rhonda?"
See they remembered to take the girl staying the night, but they left poor little old me in bed sound asleep. Of course they turned right back around to get me. We all survived so it was a happy ending.

My fortune read: "A smile is nearly always inspired by another smile."
After dinner we hit the mall. Approximately five minutes into our shopping spree (daughter & myself were at Maurices) a woman came over the loud speaker "TORNADO WARNING, ALL CUSTOMERS PLEASE GO TO ELDER-BEERMAN." Actually at that point we couldn't hear what she was saying, but a younger boy that looked to be about sixteen years old repeated it to his mother. She looked at him like she didn't believe him and went back to shopping. I of course was being nosey. Right after that shoppers began walking briskly past the doors. Of course this peaked my curosity, so I had to walk out to get the scoop. The kid was actually telling the truth. A security guard was trying to gather up all of the shoppers and head them into the right direction.
Now this was great!! My boys took off with my eighteen year old nephew. We didn't go where we were suppose to, we took off to find the boys. My daughter started freaking out. Isn't it funny how siblings act like they hate each other. You have no idea how many times she has told me that I should have stopped having children after her. As I have always suspected she had been lying. She was in tears as we looked around for them, saying "mom, we have to find them." Finally we ended up finding everyone (as soon as they saw us they started running) then we headed for Elder Beerman.
A torando coming wasn't about to ruin MY shopping experience. I continued to shop, I was just limited to the confines of this particular department store. Better this than a KB Toys, although the kids would have loved that. Of course Jason said, "Why couldn't we be stuck in a Radio Shack?" I thought this took about thirty minutes, but the kids said that it was more like an hour (from about 6-7pm). I guess I was preoccupied, you know how a woman can be while shopping.
Finally they gave the all clear so we wandered out to the rest of the mall. The boys got some toys, my daughter a sweatshirt from American Eagle and I ended up with a few ornaments for my Christmas tree.
Finally about 8:30 pm we left the mall and headed home. Driving home my daughter was sitting in the back seat and heard a faint noise, she said, "What is that noise?" I was too busy talking to my mom on my cell phone (yes, while I was driving in the rain). A few miles up the road we heard it again, this time not nearly as faint. We realized that it was the tornado siren again. Damn it!! I just left that about two hours ago, don't tell me another one. We were driving out in the boonies so it was dark as heck out. We could not have seen a tornado coming if it was. My kids then started freaking out. We just happened to be driving past a police department, so to calm them down we stopped to find out what was going on. The officer said that a small tornado was sighted in Monroe (where we had just left). He said that we were welcome to stay in the community center and wait, but we decided to go home. I gave them the speech though..."if you guys see any cows flying through the air, let me know, I'll stop the car and we can all jump in the ditch and take cover." ;)
Well that was about it for our excitement for the night, but let me end with just this one memory from my childhood.
I remember when I was in junior high we had a girlfriend staying the night. My parents woke everyone up in the middle of the night because of a tornado warning. They got everyone out of bed and into the car to go to the nearest shelter. My dad pulled the car out of the driveway, drove around the corner then said, "Where's Rhonda?"
See they remembered to take the girl staying the night, but they left poor little old me in bed sound asleep. Of course they turned right back around to get me. We all survived so it was a happy ending.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Campus Martius, Detroit
Besides my mishap with the family member, life was good this weekend. The kids were gone to their father's house for the weekend. I hung out with Todd, he is great about making me forget about whatever is on my mind.
We went to downtown Detroit, to the Campus Martius Park. Shops, skyscrappers, a deli and an ice skating rink surround the Soldiers and Sailors Monument. I tried to find a good photo of this monument to show you, that could do it some justice, but I have failed. Next time I go I will be sure to take some photos. If you clicked on the first link you will Campus Martius before and after pictures. The after pictures shows the new ice skating rink right in front of the Christmas tree display. The tree lighting will be next weekend, on November 18th. I would love to take the kids but I am sure that Detroit will be a mess, but I'll give it some thought.
Getting back to my trip to the city. Todd actually took me there for lunch. I love a good sandwich so he took me to the deli right next to the rink. Then he took me to see some of the sights, the architecture of the city. After that we went into Barnes & Noble to get a few books, and talk for a bit. Then we hit the Hard Rock Cafe' for some dessert. It was a nice experience. Even though I have always lived near Detroit, I have never really taken the time out to experience it's good qualities that exist there.
We went to downtown Detroit, to the Campus Martius Park. Shops, skyscrappers, a deli and an ice skating rink surround the Soldiers and Sailors Monument. I tried to find a good photo of this monument to show you, that could do it some justice, but I have failed. Next time I go I will be sure to take some photos. If you clicked on the first link you will Campus Martius before and after pictures. The after pictures shows the new ice skating rink right in front of the Christmas tree display. The tree lighting will be next weekend, on November 18th. I would love to take the kids but I am sure that Detroit will be a mess, but I'll give it some thought.
Getting back to my trip to the city. Todd actually took me there for lunch. I love a good sandwich so he took me to the deli right next to the rink. Then he took me to see some of the sights, the architecture of the city. After that we went into Barnes & Noble to get a few books, and talk for a bit. Then we hit the Hard Rock Cafe' for some dessert. It was a nice experience. Even though I have always lived near Detroit, I have never really taken the time out to experience it's good qualities that exist there.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I had the day off for Election Day, so I decided to make my nephew go to lunch and the movies with me. We decided to watch the movie Jarhead. I am still not exactly sure what I think about this movie yet. It isn't your typical war movie, it is based on the experience of a single soldier. It shows how his experiences changed him. It brought back a lot of memories, and some things I found disturbing, but many things seemed so accurate. I guess that is part of why I haven't decided yet, because I think that I expected more, more of Hollywood. The movie wasn't about the special effects, it was about how war changes you.
Here is one story that I can share with you that I was reminded of in the movie. It has to do with trying to make a phone call home and our chemical suits.
When I first arrived I was at Kobar Towers, Saudi Arabia, this was an inprocessing center. It was an apartment complex taken over by the military. They had set up phone stations in parking garages. I'm not sure how many phones were in each structure, but there were a lot. When we wanted to make a phone call this is where we would go. Of course this took forever to do, this particular time the waiting time was approximately 4 hours. After standing in line for about 3 hours a voice came over the loud speaker in our compound "SCUD launch, MOPP 4." This of course meant that a SCUD missle had been launched and that we were to take cover and get into our chemical gear. Now remember at this time we still thought that Sadam was using chemical warfare. If you can, imagine people scattering everywhere. In the movie I was reminded of this when Jamie Fox went into the tent and said "GAS" and everyone hurried to get on their chemical gear. This is kind of how it went for us too. Some soldiers ran to take cover then put on gear. While others put on their gear right out in the open. Let me tell you those suits were hot, and sometimes it seemed like we had to keep them on forever. Eventually they called "all clear MOPP zero" and this was when it got funny. See MOPP zero means that we can take the suits off, but of course those of us that were smart, took that as an opportunity to get back in the phone line. I was one of the smart ones, although I was not smart enough because I ended up pretty much in the same position that I was before, but at least I wasn't further back. I just wish I had a video camera to record what happened after calling all clear. In the movie they show them in their chemical suits with boots on, this is not what we had to wear. We had these huge rubber covers that folded up and tied around your boots so they were very difficult to walk in. We had our chemical masks on still, just like in the movie which made it more difficult to see, but hey I only needed to look straight to see the phone line. Every time I remember this I have to laugh to myself, it was like revenge of the swamp monsters. All you could see were these things that resembled creatures running to the garage. I know it is one of those you had to be there to see it to find the humor in it things. One of my highlights of the war I guess.
Since Veteran's Day is this week I guess it is a good time to tell these little stories. Maybe tomorrow I'll think of another one to tell.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
What a good day!
Today was a nice day, with a little upset in the end, but it all ended up good. I had a lunch date with Todd at a nice little deli in downtown Ann Arbor, Zingerman's Delicatessen. I ordered the #62 Jay's bbq chicken sandwich-pulled amish chicken in zingerman's own bbq sauce with vermont cheddar cheese on a soft bun. Served with a side of applewood smoked bacon-baked beans. It was pretty good. It had kind of a fun personality to the place, I will more than likely go back again.
After eating we walked up the street and looked at a few places, then he suggested that we go to the University of Michigan Natural History Exhibit Museum to see the dinosaurs. I can't remember how this actually got brought up, but I thought it sounded like a great idea. So we went, and it was really nice. I'm gonna take the kids there after they get back from their father's house. Of course next time I will remember to take the camera.
Did I mention that I love Ann Arbor?
Edit: oops I split up the link to the museum, only click on one, they both take you to the same place.
After eating we walked up the street and looked at a few places, then he suggested that we go to the University of Michigan Natural History Exhibit Museum to see the dinosaurs. I can't remember how this actually got brought up, but I thought it sounded like a great idea. So we went, and it was really nice. I'm gonna take the kids there after they get back from their father's house. Of course next time I will remember to take the camera.
Did I mention that I love Ann Arbor?
Edit: oops I split up the link to the museum, only click on one, they both take you to the same place.
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Making up for lost time
Well I guess today I have made up for all of the time that I have not been blogging lately. So there is the rest of my scrapbook pages, at least for now. The other ones are located at the beginning of my blog. My daughter is spending the night over her girlfriends house, so I am here with my nephew and the boys. Luckily my nephew helped me out again with the computer and showed me how to scan, merge and get my pages on my blog much quicker than my way. Thanks Nate!!
I am done for the night. It is time for me to give up the computer, and read my book a bit before heading to bed. My current book is The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand. I started Atlas Shrugged (also by Ayn Rand) a while back, but it managed to disappear before I finished it, so I will have to start that again another time. Both are great reads though.
Quote for the day...."Our five senses are incomplete without the sixth-a sense of humor."
I am done for the night. It is time for me to give up the computer, and read my book a bit before heading to bed. My current book is The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand. I started Atlas Shrugged (also by Ayn Rand) a while back, but it managed to disappear before I finished it, so I will have to start that again another time. Both are great reads though.
Quote for the day...."Our five senses are incomplete without the sixth-a sense of humor."

interest in the Renaissance Arts.
One day I would love to
travel to Italy and see first hand
these beautiful treasures.
One of my favorite artists from
this time is Michelangelo.
Some of my most admired
works of his include:
The Creation of Adam
Angels of the Sistine madonna
and the statue of
An incredible scene from
the Sistine Chapel
ceiling, God creates Adam.
The touch of God's hand
awakens the newly created
Adam and thus begins
the life of human kind.
Nothing like a trip to the cider mill

Michigan of course is loaded with all kinds of cider mills. Apple Charlie's cider mill was the one that we picked to go to on this day in 2003. I took this picture with one of those disposable cameras. Jason was off in the pumpkin patch picking out his pumpkin so he didn't get in this shot. I had not realized that this was the last shot in the camera. This same day we bought some apple cider and some fresh donuts. YUMMY! They also have an animal farm that we visited. Along with that the boys got pony rides, and we all took horse and buggy ride. It was a good day. We left happy, with 4 pumpkins to carve the day before Halloween.
Follow your dreams
School Dance

This was Rona's very first school dance. She was in the sixth grade. They presented the class honors and then we went to the gymnasium afterwards for the dance. It was actually pretty fun. We both had a good time, even though I pretty much stayed back and let her do her thing. Although I did get out and do the chicken dance with her and her friends. NO, I did not embarrass her, at least not any more than I normally do, haha.
World's greatest mom

Well I have realized why I am getting the shadows on my pictures. The silver studs on the page are just lifting the photo so that the light doesn't distribute evenly on the page. The original pages do not look like that.
These pictures were taken at Christmas 2003 while I went to visit my parents at their home in Florida. I probably haven't told you guys enough, but I have an awesome mom. I couldn't ask for a better one. I just wish that she lived closer to me.
Stars & Stripes

Last summer my friend Danny took all of us to Cedar Point Amusement Park. For those of you not familiar it is in Sandusky, Ohio (right off of Lake Erie). We also went with his best friend, daughter and his girlfriend. We decided to take his boat there. On the way home we realized how much of a mistake this was. After rollercoaster rides, eating junk food, walking in the sun all day long we should have realized what was about to happen on our way home. We left the park at about ten that evening. The waves were rough on the water by then. Rona was the first one to get sick, I was about two minutes behind her. Joey lasted about 15 minutes after me, then he apologized to Danny for getting it on the side of his boat, my poor baby. NEVER EVER will we do that again, from now on all trips will be by car.
Merry Christmas Boys
Captured in Time

This again is my maternal grandmother. Her short lived life is the inspiration for my scrapbooking. She died when my mother was just twelve years old. She was just thirty-six years old. It kind of makes me think, since that is my current age.
She was a beautiful woman, and took some wonderful photographs. I'm not sure why there is a shadow in the middle of the page, it must have happened during scanning, but it is not on my original page.
She was cheated by time, but at least it captured her beauty.

Here is a picture of my boys Jason (L) & Joey (R) taken about three years ago. This would have made them about seven years old.
The text read....
You were bonded together in the
Heavens before the came to the Earth.
You heard each others hearts begin to
beat and you shared your day of birth.
If one of you began to cry the other
joined in. To show how much they cared.
You began learning about your differences
and about interests that you shared.
You have doubled a mother's love in so
many ways and in all the things you do.
I am truly grateful to have received such
a special gift, for I was blessed with two.
by Wendy Silva
You were bonded together in the
Heavens before the came to the Earth.
You heard each others hearts begin to
beat and you shared your day of birth.
If one of you began to cry the other
joined in. To show how much they cared.
You began learning about your differences
and about interests that you shared.
You have doubled a mother's love in so
many ways and in all the things you do.
I am truly grateful to have received such
a special gift, for I was blessed with two.
by Wendy Silva
Yes, I do feel truly blessed to have had twin boys. My maternal great grandmother had several sets of twins. Her twins were all fraternal, mine are identical. I'm not sure if I have given details about the twins birth in my blog, so here I go (possibly again).
I was two months pregnant when I found out that I was pregnant with twins. It was a shock to me, especially since we had just gotten out of the military and we had both just gotten our jobs. Remember I already have a daughter so we were not exactly prepared to another child, let alone two more. That didn't stop them from coming and I am so happy that they came.
I was in preterm labor for a long time before I actually delivered them. The doctor gave me some medicine to stop the contractions. I had an appointment with the doctor at 36 1/2 weeks. At that time he said that I was far enough along and told me to stop taking the medication. The last dose of medicine was taken that moring before the appointment. Within hours after stopping the medication I started having my contractions. I remember sitting there eating dinner when I realized that this was not what I normally felt, these were getting stronger and closer. My ex was at work at the time, so I had my mother call him and take me to the hospital. There was a bit of a mixup at the hospital with the positions of the babies, so they had to bring in the ultrasound machine at the last moment to check the positions. See Baby A (Jason) was in the birth canal, but Baby B (Joey) was breech. The doctor actually thought that the babies were reversed. I know this of course because that made my 5th ultrasound that I had seen, so I knew exactly how my babies were positioned. Anyways after figuring that out it was about time for me to deliver. Off to the birthing room...
As far as I know they always do epidurals on twins just in case they have to go to a c-section to get the other baby out. I have never worked in a civilian hospital, but this is how we always did it in the military. I worked in the operating room, which is who did all the c-sections for Labor & Delivery. Although they also called us for twins, just in case, but never did I ever come across a case of twins having to go to c-section. So I have seen many vaginal deliveries because of this. Anyways, this is what they did with me, they gave me an epidural. Of course for some reason mine didn't take. I kept telling them that I could feel everything, and they kept asking does the pain feel any less? NO!!!! They found out the next day that it didn't work when I had my tubal ligation and they had to use general anesthetic instead of the epidural they had planned on using. They kept the setup in my back to use the following day for my surgery.
So my delivery went on with me FEELING EVERYTHING. I pushed Jason out and the doctor was trying to get me to push out Joey. I told him "no way, I already gave you one baby you're gonna have to go in and get that one yourself!!" Especially since this was after I pushed one baby out and he had two arms up there trying to turn the second baby around. OUCH!! Eventually I surrendered, I let him have his way, I PUSHED. Actually I thought I was having triplets the placenta was so large. Because they are identical they shared one huge placenta instead of having two different ones.
Well finally my little ones were here. After bringing them home from the hospital we were afraid that after taking their wristbands off we would not remember which one was which. We decided to paint the oldest baby's toenail with nailpolish. When they were infants it was very difficult to tell them apart, but as they have grown older I look at them and see two totally different boys. I know when others see them they think they look identical, but to me they do not look identical at all, I know....because I am the mom.
Oh yes, they both weighed 5 lbs 6 ozs. Funny how they weighed exactly the same, usually one is larger than the other. There shared equally while in my womb, unfortunately I can't say that now. Also they were born 2o minutes apart, it took the 20 minutes to turn Joey around and convince me that I needed to push him out. I was just a bit stubborn.
Also I was lucky that I was able to have my mom and husband both in the deliveryroom with me. Of course that was along with what seemed like the entire hospital staff (okay I'm exaggerating a bit, but the room was packed). There was me, anesthesia, two doctors, my mom & husband, many nurses, and who knows maybe even people passing by to visit other expectant mothers. See they left the door wide open, so that everyone walking down the hallway could see the delivery, I was not sure why they did this, but at the time it didn't matter to me. I would not have cared if CNN was there covering the event. I just wanted them out!!! Of course later seeing it on television would not have made me very happy, but at the time who cares.
Oh one more thing to point out about my delivery. Actually it was about their names. See when we had my daughter they never told us what we were having, but we just had a feeling that it was a girl so we never picked out boy names. Well with the boys I went to see a specialist for one of my ultrasounds, and I asked him two questions. #1. What are their sexes? He said for sure one was a boy, but he couldn't be sure about the other one. #2 Are they identical? He was not positive but he thought that they were identical, but he couldn't tell for sure because there was like a seam down the placenta. This could have been just one large placenta, which would have made them identical, or it could have been two placentas fused together, which would have made them fraternal. Well again, we just knew in our minds that it was two identical boys, so we picked out two boy's names. Of course as I was sitting in the delivery room waiting for the staff I thought to myself "Oh my God, what if I have a girl." How can I have babies and now know what to name them, so we all brainstormed and tried to come up with a name. I knew that I wanted the initals to match, and that the first boy out would be Jason. So if a girl came out I would have to come up with a name for her, luckily it wasn't a girl because I never came up with a girls name that started with a "J". So here I am with Jason & Joseph (Joey).
I was two months pregnant when I found out that I was pregnant with twins. It was a shock to me, especially since we had just gotten out of the military and we had both just gotten our jobs. Remember I already have a daughter so we were not exactly prepared to another child, let alone two more. That didn't stop them from coming and I am so happy that they came.
I was in preterm labor for a long time before I actually delivered them. The doctor gave me some medicine to stop the contractions. I had an appointment with the doctor at 36 1/2 weeks. At that time he said that I was far enough along and told me to stop taking the medication. The last dose of medicine was taken that moring before the appointment. Within hours after stopping the medication I started having my contractions. I remember sitting there eating dinner when I realized that this was not what I normally felt, these were getting stronger and closer. My ex was at work at the time, so I had my mother call him and take me to the hospital. There was a bit of a mixup at the hospital with the positions of the babies, so they had to bring in the ultrasound machine at the last moment to check the positions. See Baby A (Jason) was in the birth canal, but Baby B (Joey) was breech. The doctor actually thought that the babies were reversed. I know this of course because that made my 5th ultrasound that I had seen, so I knew exactly how my babies were positioned. Anyways after figuring that out it was about time for me to deliver. Off to the birthing room...
As far as I know they always do epidurals on twins just in case they have to go to a c-section to get the other baby out. I have never worked in a civilian hospital, but this is how we always did it in the military. I worked in the operating room, which is who did all the c-sections for Labor & Delivery. Although they also called us for twins, just in case, but never did I ever come across a case of twins having to go to c-section. So I have seen many vaginal deliveries because of this. Anyways, this is what they did with me, they gave me an epidural. Of course for some reason mine didn't take. I kept telling them that I could feel everything, and they kept asking does the pain feel any less? NO!!!! They found out the next day that it didn't work when I had my tubal ligation and they had to use general anesthetic instead of the epidural they had planned on using. They kept the setup in my back to use the following day for my surgery.
So my delivery went on with me FEELING EVERYTHING. I pushed Jason out and the doctor was trying to get me to push out Joey. I told him "no way, I already gave you one baby you're gonna have to go in and get that one yourself!!" Especially since this was after I pushed one baby out and he had two arms up there trying to turn the second baby around. OUCH!! Eventually I surrendered, I let him have his way, I PUSHED. Actually I thought I was having triplets the placenta was so large. Because they are identical they shared one huge placenta instead of having two different ones.
Well finally my little ones were here. After bringing them home from the hospital we were afraid that after taking their wristbands off we would not remember which one was which. We decided to paint the oldest baby's toenail with nailpolish. When they were infants it was very difficult to tell them apart, but as they have grown older I look at them and see two totally different boys. I know when others see them they think they look identical, but to me they do not look identical at all, I know....because I am the mom.
Oh yes, they both weighed 5 lbs 6 ozs. Funny how they weighed exactly the same, usually one is larger than the other. There shared equally while in my womb, unfortunately I can't say that now. Also they were born 2o minutes apart, it took the 20 minutes to turn Joey around and convince me that I needed to push him out. I was just a bit stubborn.
Also I was lucky that I was able to have my mom and husband both in the deliveryroom with me. Of course that was along with what seemed like the entire hospital staff (okay I'm exaggerating a bit, but the room was packed). There was me, anesthesia, two doctors, my mom & husband, many nurses, and who knows maybe even people passing by to visit other expectant mothers. See they left the door wide open, so that everyone walking down the hallway could see the delivery, I was not sure why they did this, but at the time it didn't matter to me. I would not have cared if CNN was there covering the event. I just wanted them out!!! Of course later seeing it on television would not have made me very happy, but at the time who cares.
Oh one more thing to point out about my delivery. Actually it was about their names. See when we had my daughter they never told us what we were having, but we just had a feeling that it was a girl so we never picked out boy names. Well with the boys I went to see a specialist for one of my ultrasounds, and I asked him two questions. #1. What are their sexes? He said for sure one was a boy, but he couldn't be sure about the other one. #2 Are they identical? He was not positive but he thought that they were identical, but he couldn't tell for sure because there was like a seam down the placenta. This could have been just one large placenta, which would have made them identical, or it could have been two placentas fused together, which would have made them fraternal. Well again, we just knew in our minds that it was two identical boys, so we picked out two boy's names. Of course as I was sitting in the delivery room waiting for the staff I thought to myself "Oh my God, what if I have a girl." How can I have babies and now know what to name them, so we all brainstormed and tried to come up with a name. I knew that I wanted the initals to match, and that the first boy out would be Jason. So if a girl came out I would have to come up with a name for her, luckily it wasn't a girl because I never came up with a girls name that started with a "J". So here I am with Jason & Joseph (Joey).
Latest scrapbook page

As I said I worked on my scrapbook the other day. This is my finished page. The picture and the text were taken from this blog. The picture was taken this sweetest day, and the text was taken from "Me @ 36...Life's Little Lessons."
I finally learned how to merge two pages together. The program was from my old printer a Canon (photostich). No wonder I couldn't figure out how to do it, because I no longer had it on my computer. My nephew finally remembered and told me, so I pulled out my old discs and copied it again to my computer so that I could scan the rest of my scrapbook pages. Once the program was found the rest was pretty much easy to follow.
A little bit of the edges have been cut off in the process of scanning, but overall it worked out pretty good.
I'll try to work on a few more this weekend if I get the opportunity. Sharing my computer with all the kids and my nephew has made it difficult for me to get a turn. Since it is getting colder outside they are not as interested in playing outside all day. Although the past couple of days have actually been pretty nice out.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Halloween Pics

Our candy tray used for passing out candy to the lil' creatures
of the night. Actually this guy is pretty cool, when
you push a button he will move his
eyes from side to side and give out an eerie moan.
of the night. Actually this guy is pretty cool, when
you push a button he will move his
eyes from side to side and give out an eerie moan.

This is the same neighbor's yard. This doorway
leads to the haunted house that they created.
They did a great job, the kids loved it.
They had to pass through this to get their
treat at the end.

Okay, so I'm not the professional
photographer,but you get the idea.
My daughter was passing out candy, so I called her
and told her to come over to this house so she could
go through it. She chickened out so
neither of us went through it.
The boys were brave, they went
through it twice.
photographer,but you get the idea.
My daughter was passing out candy, so I called her
and told her to come over to this house so she could
go through it. She chickened out so
neither of us went through it.
The boys were brave, they went
through it twice.
Where have I been??
What? Did you think I left? Not a chance!!
I've been kind of busy lately. Lets see.....Went to Greenfield Village on Friday with my boys' class. I think that last time I went there was either when I had gotten married or about the time I was pregnant with the boys, either way a long time ago. We had a good time though. Then Saturday... I had a date, which went well. Sunday....I did housework all day. Monday....was suppose to be my first day back to work in two weeks, but I had to go for jury duty instead. Luckily I wasn't picked so I was home fairly early. Of course Halloween with the kids that evening. Today was my first day back to work, my wrist is killing me. My body needs to get use to working again, other than that it was a good day, and I am glad to be back.
Another reason that I have not really be posting is that my nephew came to live with me as of Thursday. He is a computer freak, so between the two of us and my children we have to divide up computer time. I actually did write a post yesterday, but I went to plug in the pumpkin and managed to unplug the computer instead. I figured what the heck, I'll write something tomorrow. I took a couple of pics from last night. If I get a chance to I'll post some soon.
*Quote for the day "You can't build your reputation on what you're going to do." Henry Ford
Since I took a trip to Greenfield Village that seemed appropriate.
I've been kind of busy lately. Lets see.....Went to Greenfield Village on Friday with my boys' class. I think that last time I went there was either when I had gotten married or about the time I was pregnant with the boys, either way a long time ago. We had a good time though. Then Saturday... I had a date, which went well. Sunday....I did housework all day. Monday....was suppose to be my first day back to work in two weeks, but I had to go for jury duty instead. Luckily I wasn't picked so I was home fairly early. Of course Halloween with the kids that evening. Today was my first day back to work, my wrist is killing me. My body needs to get use to working again, other than that it was a good day, and I am glad to be back.
Another reason that I have not really be posting is that my nephew came to live with me as of Thursday. He is a computer freak, so between the two of us and my children we have to divide up computer time. I actually did write a post yesterday, but I went to plug in the pumpkin and managed to unplug the computer instead. I figured what the heck, I'll write something tomorrow. I took a couple of pics from last night. If I get a chance to I'll post some soon.
*Quote for the day "You can't build your reputation on what you're going to do." Henry Ford
Since I took a trip to Greenfield Village that seemed appropriate.
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