Friday, January 19, 2007

Home alone, well I might as well be

Another relaxing night at home. My niece convinced my boys to stay the night over her house. Usually I let her stay here on most weekends, but this weekend I told her no, so she decided to have the boys go to her house instead. My daughter decided to come home and crash out on her bed. I tried to wake her up, I told her that it was a girls night alone. She made an attempt to wake up, but hasn't budged yet. So I guess that leaves me all alone, with Law & Order and the computer.

I had plans to have dinner with a friend of mine, but he ended up having to work later than expected so we changed our plans for tomorrow. Instead, after a dose of Law & Order, I'll think I'll crawl into bed a little early and start reading my book "Under The Banner of Heaven." It is this month's choice for my book club that I just joined. Not that it is my usual type of reading, but sometimes there is nothing wrong with straying from the usual.

Did I mention that I just started my new term of school. Which is good, because with working, and no school to keep me busy, I've been feeling like I had too much time on my hands. This term I am taking Physical Anthropology, Geography & Biology. I think the Physical Anthropology will be interesting to me, but the professor talks soooooo slow that I am somewhat annoyed. I want to say "spit it out" but of course I wouldn't be that rude. Hopefully she gets a bit more exciting as the class goes on.

Well time for me to get back to my Law & Order.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Shall We Dance?

Today was a good, productive day.

Right now I am sitting here watching Shall We Dance? Starring Richard Gere, Jennifer Lopez and Susan Sarandon. They just played the scene where John's (Richard Gere) wife (Susan Sarandon) asked the private investigator why people get married. She said, maybe not in these exact words, that people marry because they want a witness to their life. They want someone to tell them that they will be remembered. That rings so true with me. Why I want someone to share my life with. Let me remind you that I am very single at the moment, but that doesn't mean that I don't fantasize about finding that special someone. When I think about my own death, the first thing I think about is that I'll grow old without sharing my life with anyone. To me this is so sad.

Okay enough about that. I'm feeling good right now, no sense it bringing myself down.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Simply Happy

I think I may have said this before, but I absolutely love crawling into bed with fresh linen. I also love turning off the overhead light and reading with just the bedside lamp on. These simple things can really make me happy.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Joining in

I joined two new groups. The first was a book club. I've never joined a book club, but I thought that this would be interesting for me since I enjoy reading so much. Sometimes when I read a book I want to have someone to share it with. Most of my friends are not nearly as interested as I am. The second club was a weight loss group. Since I have been gaining weight lately I need a way to motivate me to do something about it.

I guess I'll see how things go.

A New You

One of my flaws is my inability to throw things away. A perfect example of this is my growing collection of magazines that I have collected over the years. My logic is that there are things in each one that appeals to me that I might look over again some time in the future. Of course what would make more sense would be to clip the article and organize it in some way and toss the actual magazine. Of course that makes way too much sense for me to actually do it. I have to do some things the hard way. Well today I actually took one of these magazines and browsed through it. It was a February 2005 issue of Fit Body. In it they had a list of 25 "New You" Resolutions. Some of these I follow, others I should probably pick up as new habits.

1. Eat breakfast: I can't say I follow this one very well. I have never really been one to have a healthy breakfast in the morning, but I know that it is a habit that I need to learn.

2. Take a multi-vitamin: Huh, do I get credit for having multi-vitamins, but just not actually taking them? I didn't think so.

3. Stop waiting until the last minute: I am guilty of procrastination.

4. Indulge yourself: Diets should never deny. WELL I am guilty of overindulging.

5. Take a real vacation: This is a funny thing, while I was in Florida my nephew asked me if I had ever been on a "real vacation." I thought about it and realized that I never have. Visiting family isn't really taking a vacation. I've thought about doing this in my past but I have never actually done it. Part of me is hoping that one day I'll find someone to actually travel with.

6. Count those sheep: On average I get at least 7 or 8 hours of sleep a night.

7. Make some time for you alone every day: I usually head to my bedroom to read a bit before actually hitting the sack. This is a nice relaxing time for me.

8. Become an early bird: I have trouble with this one. I am the type to get up thirty minutes before I leave for work and jump in the shower and pretty much head out the door. That doesn't leave much time for one to actually relax before starting out the day. I often wish that this was a habit I would pick up.

9. Do a crossword puzzle, play Trivial Pursuit, or get an evening dose of TV's Jeopardy: Preventing Dementia....this isn't too much of a problem for me.

10. Leave work at work: For this one they say to get out of work clothes and get into something comfortable and leave work at home. I'm pretty good with this one. I can't wait to take my jeans off and get comfortable when I get home.

11. Take some time to really breathe: I think I do this one sometimes without even really realizing it. Sometimes I'll give out a deep sigh, and when I do this I can just feel a heaviness being lifted off of me.

12. Do something you use to do: As Maria asked me in my last post, maybe I should get back to doing some scrapbooking.

13. Start a journal: Does keeping this blog count?

14. Pamper yourself: Something else I need to work on.

15. Volunteer: I have a strong desire to volunteer, but it seems at times impossible for me to commit to something when my life can get so overwhelming at times.

16. Dance to the music: It says to do this at least 5 minutes a day.

17. Make your annual check ups: Ahhh finally one that I have already accomplished.

18. Find your mantra: I'll have to search for something special for me.

19. Feed on fat: Well I have no problem feeding on fat, but unfortunately it is the wrong type. I don't get enough mono or poly-unsaturated fat in my diet. Although I do love me some black olives.

20. Make your own food pyramid: This is what is said to do-using the U.S. food pyramid, fill in the blocks iwth a list of the foods you love and like. Post this on your refrigerator and pantry doors. Next time you go for a snack or a meal, choose from the foods at the base of your pyramid and you'll be on your way to a healthier, slimmer you.

21. Try something new: I like this idea. It doesn't have to be anything complex, it can be as simple as a new recipe.

22. Have more sex: Well I'll leave this one alone.

23. Laugh yourself silly: One thing I can say for sure about me, I never have to remind myself to laugh, this is something that I do often.

24. Love yourself: Sometimes I beat myself up, but on most days I appreciate who I am.

25. Exercise: Whoa, this one is a major problem for me. Especially since I haven't been working so much lately, and since I have a job that keeps me moving constantly I have felt the damage being done with so much time off of work. Also I have never really had good knees and lately my right knee has been giving me some trouble, so I have been putting off doing anything that might make it worse.

This year I didn't really make a resolution. Okay I made one to loss weight, but that is a given. Who doesn't say that every year? My year started out kind of bad, but I feel that this year is actually going to turn out to be pretty darn good. At least I hope that it will.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Just another day in Rhonda's world

It seems that things are back to normal for me. The kids are back from their holiday with their father. I am back from my trip to Florida and everything seems to be falling right into place. The only thing is that I can't seem to get rid of the hives that I managed to get while I was in Florida. I called my doctor and if it doesn't go away I will give him a visit sometime this week.

Right now I am sitting here watching Boy Meets Grill with Bobby Flay. Not that I have an interest in Bobby Flay, but I'm sitting here thinking to myself how cool it would be to find a guy that enjoys cooking. I don't try new recipes nearly as much as I would like to. It would be nice to have someone to share some new experiences with. Although I bet I could get my boys to cook with me. The boys probably enjoy cooking more than my daughter does. I guess teaching them how to cook would help some lucky girl in their future.

Lets I am suppose to meet my girlfriends for dinner. We decided to celebrate my birthday today even though it is still several days away.

Since I am back on layoff again from work for three more weeks I am going to try to improve my organizational skills, and to get rid of some of my excess that I have hanging around the house.

Speaking of improving organizational skills, I better get moving and start getting some stuff done around here. I actually have tons to do around here.

Happy Weekend!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Back to work for least for four days

Today was my first day back to work after my three weeks off. I guess I'm a weird one because I actually enjoy going to work. Sitting around the house starts to get old. It was great to see my friends again. I have some awesome buddies at work, but they live so far away from me that I don't get to see them much when we are off. Lucky for me, one of my girlfriends just moved fairly close to me, so we'll be able to hang out with each other more often during our down time.

Monday, January 01, 2007


As I am sitting here eating a Snickers I am thinking about this year's resolution; to lose weight. I'm off to a pretty good start huh?

What a wonderful New Year's Day!

Well there is a lot to say, but I'm not sure that I am in the mood for anything too detailed at the moment. First off I am still adjusting to being back here in Michigan after my trip to Florida. My hands are cold, and they don't seem to be moving at their usual speed. Everything feels like it is in S-L-O-W M-O-T-I-O-N right now. Of course the only thing that is probably slow motion right now is just me.

Let me first start off to say that this weekend didn't go so well. I spent the weekend red, itchy and covered in welts. I somehow managed to get a travelling rash from so sort of reaction to something. What I have no idea. Anyway, I wasn't sure what this was from since neither myself nor my children have ever experienced anything like this (thank goodness my children a pretty healthy). Since I had this mysterious rash travelling all over my body I didn't want to go visit my grandmother at the rehab center until I was sure that it was something that I wouldn't pass on to her or any of the other patients. To make sure six hours of my New Year's Eve were spent at the hospital. Nothing major, I got a steriod shot in the bootie, a prescription for something to help with the itching and picked up some Benadryl. Let me tell you I am soooo happy that I went because I couldn't imagine taking that plane ride this morning and itching all over.

Well enough of that, as you can see I was miserable so I didn't get much sleep last night, but I did wake up this morning and I was good as new. I had to wake up at 4 am to make the trip home. So you can imagine how upset I was when I got to the luggage area to find out that my sister didn't come and get me and noone can seem to get ahold of her. GRRRR! So as I am sitting in the airport wondering who the hell is going to pick me up (I couldn't get ahold of anyone) I considered taking a cab ride home; luckily I don't live too far away.

The next thing I know my cell phone is ringing, so I answer it. I is a friend of our family (actually one of my sister's ex-boyfriends) and he said, "hey were are you at?"

I responded, "I'm at the airport where are you?"

"I'm at the airport too."

"Wow, what are you doing at the airport?" As the words came out of my mouth I was thinking to myself what a coincidence, what are the chances that he would be at the airport and call me at the exact time that I am sitting here trying to find a ride.

"I got a text message that said you needed a ride home from the airport." Ahhh, the moment of clarity, and I thought it was an amazing coincidence.

Either way I was happy to get a ride home, and glad that it he was less than ten minutes away from me when he got the text, a text that my nephew sent him. So I managed to get a ride home, but then I had another challenge. My other nephew was house sitting for me but when I called home nobody answered the phone. So I'm thinking to myself, great I finally get a ride home and now I probably won't even be able to get in because I left the housekeys with him. GEEZ! Lucky for me though he was home, the phone was just dead from being off the charger.

Shortly after this I got into my car and it wouldn't start. The battery was dead. Luckily my sister had her car at my house and my nephew had the keys so I used her car to charge my battery.

Okay, right now I am just waiting for something good to happen. I mean with everything going wrong today, my luck has to turn around some time. I'm hoping it is soon.

I am hoping that this isn't a taste of what the New Year has in store for me. If so I'll think I'll rewind back to 2006 and try it again.