Thursday, February 02, 2006

You said WHAT????

Have your kids or their friends ever say something where you had absolutely no idea what it meant. Do you want to take figure out what these ebonics mean? I stumbled across an urban dictionary today. Trust me some of these can be distrubing to read, but hey if you want to understand what the kids are picking up from their friends, this is the place to go. Luckily my children still speak in English, there are just a few words that I have heard them say that had me lost. Although they have all been harmless so far.

I remember a few years ago there was a thing going around the schools where kids were wearing these thin plastic bracelets. Each different color represented a different sexual act that the child had supposedly performed. As I understand it, if a guy were to come up and break the bracelet off of her wrist then you had to perform that act with that guy (according to the color coding). A parent would probably not think much about their child wearing these bracelets if they did not know their hidden meaning.

Let me say that I better never catch my daughter wearing those bracelets.


Topwomen said...

i can't stand it. i wasn't meant to be a parent to this generation; i'm getting the vapors, someone catch me.
i've never seen these bracelets, but so help me if my daughter wore one of these and a boy broke it off her wrist, I'd take them both outside by the ears and practice some special sparring techniques.

Matt said...

My understanding is that certain sexual acts that were considered sexual acts in our generation are no longer considered sexual acts. I can only imagine what teenage life will be like for my toddler.

Rhonda said...

rgmb & zataod-you have probably seen the bracelets and just not realizing what they are. They are just colored flexible plastic bangle looking bracelets. They will wear several of them at one time for each act, for example pink: kiss, yellow: hug, black: actual intercourse, red: oral sex, and white is like a wild card. Not sure if these are exact, but they give you an idea.

hopefully that link works, but that is what they look like.

Rhonda said...


Rhonda said...

no Ian they are not the bracelets that are being created for causes.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I better keep notes...when dd gets older I better be on the look out...I did check out the link for that urban dictionary and I was shocked at some of their word descriptions...a whole other language it seems like, some of them I thought they got to be kidding. Almost like it had to be a joke. Anyway, thanks for the heads up on that info!

Rhonda said...

Maria, I was shocked myself when I read it. To think that these are kids that are speaking that way. It isn't a joke though, sad huh?

Rhonda said...

This was a big thing last year. It wasn't just at our local schools, it had spread to other schools, some quite a ways away. I guess the point I was getting at was not necessarily about the bracelets, but rather the idea that our children have expressions/possessions that have hidden meanings that we as parents consider harmless, only because we have absolutely no idea what is really going on.